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TDP Awards 2012: Best YouTube Beauty & Fashion Channel

By December 11, 2012 Beauty, DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

Now, I have only recently found Ingrid’s Channel, but I have found it so great! It was really hard to choose between my other favourites, including, BubzBeauty & MichellePhan, but I knew I had to go for Ingrid! If you love cute and fresh videos, which are really clear, this is the one for you! She also has the fluffiest cat ever, called Nugget, and he is totally cute. She also has a Vlog & Lifestyle channel called ‘TheGridMonster‘ which features her boyfriend Luke Conrad and a few others, which is really worth checking out to, because she does Vlog-mas which is a video everyday until Christmas! YAY! GO CHECK IT OUT! I LOVE INGRID! Luke and her also sell cute t-shirts as well, which is pretty cool 🙂 Here are some screenshots as well…

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