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winter trends 12/13

New Trend: The Big Frizz

By November 17, 2012 Fashion

I love this trend! It’s all about Frizz, but not in your hair! Frizzy coats! I have one, and so does my sister, and they are so cool! They just give your outfit that edge, and uniqueness, so here it is! (BTW, I’m trying a new layout for this post, so tell me if you like it or not!) Also, apparently this trend is under the ‘whole trend’ of ‘The Blogger’ which is cool, I’ll do a post on that soon as well 🙂

Going Clockwise…
1. Purple Chelsea Girl Mixed Faux Fur Coat £70.00 (River Island)
2. Pink Faux Fur Coat £98.00 (Topshop – In Store)
3. Sophia Cover-Up £24.99 (
4. Lendy Coat £24.99 (
5. Racoon Faux Fur Gilet £40.00 (Miss Selfridge)
6. Petrol Blue Coat £98.00 (Topshop – In Store)

Personally out of those, my favourite is the Topshop, Petrol Blue one, but for price, it has to be the Sophia Cover-Up by Miss Guided. Also, how do you like the new ‘trend’ layout? Pretty cool I think?

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and stay tuned for ‘The Blogger’ post 😉

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