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why are all the apprentice contestants the same

The Apprentice: Why Are The Contenders The ‘Same’?

By July 6, 2013 Beauty, Fashion

I don’t know about you but I LOVE The Apprentice. It has it’s reality show stupidness I know, but it is very entertaining. If you have been watching the recent series, you will know what I mean by ‘eyebrows’. But on a serious note, I have an itching question and I want it answered. Why are all the contestants the same? No, I don’t mean they are all clones, I mean they all have very similar features. Bare with me please, as I *hope* some of you will agree… (Images via the BBC)

the apprentice

Hopefully from looking at the image above, a light bulb has gone off in your head and you realise what I mean. If not, these are my thoughts.
Where are the ‘big’ people? In my eyes, this years (and years before – below image) contestants are all average height, average ‘weight’ and are all reasonably ‘good looking’… (excluding the eyebrows…), none of them are big, short, or ‘ugly’. As well as their looks, obviously they are all quite good minded, but after watching the show up until now, I got asking myself, are they really? Like Lord Sugar pointed out on the Online Dating episode, a 10 year old could have made a better site than one of the teams did…
*cough cough* 😉 Sorry… In my eyes, none of them are geniuses, none of them really have a unique spark, they are all average; as I said, in my eyes.

When I was about 6 we had a coffee shop as a little hobby, and I enjoyed it very much, and without sounding big headed, a lot of people said to me that I could go on The Apprentice when I was older, and I loved the idea, but I am not really sure anymore? I look at myself as a ‘crazy’, ‘wacky’, ‘adventurous’ person, definitely not ‘normal’ (haha), so although the customers of our small cafe motivated me into thinking I really could go for it, I would probably be turned down for being too weird, non? It wouldn’t just be that, I would probably be turned down for being too small. I don’t mind that, and I would never know, but if only these types of contestants are on the show, then how are us weirdos, meant to appear on it? How is Mark-with-the-marvellous-idea *deep breath* who-eats-too-many-chips-and-could-be-classed-as-obese meant to show the world his plans?

the apprentice
Mark-with-the-marvellous-idea simply will have to wait, he is broke and The Apprentice simply cannot cater for his ‘type’. It’s entertainment right? If Mark was on it, I might not be seeing ‘Ooh I fancy Mark #theapprentice’ in my Wednesday evening Twitter stream, instead Christina will carry on fancying Myles from this year’s series.  To make entertainment, surely they need have not so clever, good(ish?!) looking people who come up with stupid ideas? They need people who annoy the viewers, not people who are actual geniuses. Mark, I am sorry to break it to you, but I doubt you will get accepted. Sorry!

I hope you take on board my opinions! Let me know what you think! Are they excluding the ‘so say’ not so good looking just for entertainment, or is it purely coincidence? Leave a comment below!

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