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Thank You: A Valentine’s Gift…

By February 11, 2013 DIY & Lifestyle, My Style

As it’s Valentine’s Day coming up (only 3 days!) I thought I would try and give you something. Unfortunately, with the amount of new followers I am getting recently, I can’t send you out a present each, and I don’t want to do a Give-Away because that would mean only giving a present to one of you. So, I thought about it, and thought, we all like music right? Well, I know a special person, who would like to give you a present as well! My big sister Saskia, is a singer/songwriter and she has a band called ‘Saskia Says’. One of my favourite songs is actually named perfectly for what I am giving you. A ‘Thank You’ for being so amazing, and keeping me motivated to reaching my dream.


If you click on the above, all you have to do is fill in your name and your email, and you’ll receive a free MP3 of Saskia Says’ gorgeous song. If you do so, you’ll be helping her band grow, but also you’ll be receiving a bit of love from me 🙂 Here is the music video to what you will receive. Enjoy!…

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, and you have a lovely day with that special person! I will be posting a few things this week, including a Nail Art post, and a Skincare Review 🙂 I know I have been doing a lot of beauty posts, but I think they’re nice to do! March will be a fashion-y month (even though my Ads aren’t), so keep reading!


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