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My Style: No Animals or People Harmed in the Making of This Outfit

By September 18, 2018 My Style

Believe it or not, although I tend to put a positive spin on topics I discuss on my blog, it is rather heavy stuff and often I forget to take from my own book (read: my piece on avoiding becoming overwhelmed by it all) by highlighting the lighthearted fun side of things like, for example, what makes styling ethical fashion all the more enticing than standard fashion offerings…

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

WHAT I WORE: Vintage Jaeger Blazer (Charity Shop) // Floral Blouse (ASOS Africa – old) // KENZO Trousers (Jumble Sale) // Vagabond White Platform Heels (Mastershoe – old)*

On Instagram, one of my favourite ethical content creators Benita Robledo recently embarked on a styling ‘challenge’ – #GlamCapsule – which took inspiration from well-known ’10 x 10′ wardrobes which are a way to guide people towards more conscious, considered dressing. Generally, these wardrobe challenges have very simple rules – take 10 items of clothing and for 10 days, only allow yourself to wear what you choose (minus essentials like underwear or gym wear etc).

The issue with that, which Benita pointed out, is often they are very much targeted towards those who wear a lot of versatile outfits based on neutral colours and simple shapes, therefore, they leave out those of us who wear the types of outfits similar to the one you can see me styling in this post. They don’t leave room for colour or much experimentation and when you combine that with considering where our clothes come from and who they’re made by, it ties into this idea and assumption that ethical fashion is limiting and can’t be fun. 

I recently asked on my own Instagram what assumptions my audience have about ethical and sustainable fashion and to my surprise, nobody actually mentioned that it can’t be fun. From my own personal experience and from having these sorts of conversations, though, it is still very apparent, especially for those who are used to what fast-fashion has to offer.

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

To my surprise, your assumptions were either extremely positive – “ethical/sustainable fashion is… cool – or based on what we’ve all heard thousands of times before – “ethical/sustainable fashion is… expensive. I’ve spoken before about why ethically made clothing can often be on the higher end of the price scale and how I do believe a lot of it has to do with mindset. Mindset also plays a part in how we perceive the actual clothes and style part of ethics and I’m quite proud of how I’ve maintained such a colourful wardrobe when we’re often promoted the opposite alongside all the facts, figures, doom and gloom.

As much as I hate to sound like a broken record, yes, a good reason my individual style has sustained minimal shopping trips and trend-stalking is that I shop second-hand an awful lot. Not only does it allow for me to avoid what everybody else is wearing (often what you see in a charity shop, you’ll never find again) but it also provides me with the comfort of knowing I’m making the most sustainable choice.

Take this stunning (or striking, rather), green blazer. It’s one of my favourite items in my wardrobe now because it’s so unique in style and shape. It’s also in extremely good condition and I have evidence – an old repair receipt tagged to the lining – that shows the previous owner took care of it and loved it until they were ready to pass it on. Loved clothes last and so does style when we embrace our individuality, even if we don’t have as much choice as we’re used to.

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

This blouse was one of my initial ‘ethical’ fashion purchases from what was formerly my favourite online shopping destination. Another one of the assumptions made by my Instagram audience which I’m still unsure whether to read as a positive is the idea that ethical fashion is a trend. My fear with that statement is the implication that it won’t be sticking around for long and it’s not something to aspire to for more than a fleeting moment.

As I mentioned in my recent article for Blogosphere magazine (available to order here or find in your local WHSmith), there’s the infamous quote by Coco Chanel which states “Fashion fades, only style remains”, and I think it’s important to approach ethics and sustainability with a similar mindset. Ethical fashion shouldn’t be a trend, it should be a permanent attitude towards our clothes. This is why, for as long as greenwashing is apparent, I am hesitant to go back to embracing fast-fashion’s ‘conscious collections’, which are so few and far between, without truly understanding what’s behind them.

However, if buying better is what we’re all striving for then, by all means, support enterprises such as SOKO, especially if the price point is still a stumbling block. If we’re talking about fun, I can’t deny that this blouse is giving me some serious Samantha from Sex and The City vibes.

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Ethical Fashion Outfit Ideas and Discussing Sustainable Fashion Myths

Overall, I think the way we view ethical fashion is changing gradually and I’m glad I’m able to be a part of proving people who assume it’s all about hemp and hippy styles wrong. There have definitely been times where I’ve doubted whether I am truly still interested in the glamour of it all; seeing constant wardrobe updates across social media and feeling as if slowing down the industry is a long way off, adds to this. But, as the #GlamCapsule and my own wardrobe shows, considering the environment and who started the process of making your new dress a dress shouldn’t ever dull your style or stop you from embracing what you know and love.

In fact, it should make it all the more fun because you know little to no harm has been made in the process. Or, if I really was directing a short film like the edits in this post, I would add this disclaimer: No animals or people were harmed in the making of this outfit.

Do you think ethical fashion is just as fun? Is it just common sense? Let me know in the comments!

Whilst I have you here, it would be a huge honour if you could take a few minutes out of your day to consider me for a UK Blog Award nomination. I would love to be in the running for the Green & Eco category for all of my work in raising awareness around sustainable issues. Thank you so much in advance. Fingers crossed!


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