Helloooo! Long time no blog. Sorry for the slight delay in posting, I’ve actually been quite busy and some of the posts which I was meant to post just weren’t coming across 100% tip-top, but I have one finally! Another apology for the fact that my recent OOTD/My Style posts have been so close together… I won’t be posting one for a while due to LFW, so I thought I would give you twice as much in one go! Today though, I have an outfit post with a bit twist. I’m doing a little thing with Phiney Pet and I hope you enjoy… (Inspiration images via Tumblr)

Frida, Denim & Embroidery (Tolly) // Circles, Monochrome & Summer (Phiney Pet)
Just as an introduction for those of you who don’t know of Phiney, she is an upcoming designer who I found through Style Bubble (Susie Lau’s blog). Phiney mainly paints clothing which I think is really cool and unique. One of my favourite things she has done was her SS 14′ jacket. It was so intricate and detailed, I loved it! For the first stage of our little ‘collab’ we put together some ideas for the box clutch via some images from Tumblr. I’ve been loving denim recently and I think badges and embroidery all mix in really well, especially with a summery vibe. I’m all about bright colours also so it’s basically the perfect mix for me. Flowers are a huge inspiration for me too, so of course Frida Khalo had to be mixed in! Phiney said that she accidentally used images which all involved circles, and it came out quite well! I gave Phiney some other ideas like including fruit and palm trees and the result is pretty cute! ^.^

What I Wore: Denim Jacket (Jumble Sale), Spotty Dungarees (ASOS), Pom Pom Headband (ASOS), Black Shimmer Dr Martens (Jumble Sale), Badges £3.00 each (Phiney Pet)* & Custom Lunch Box Clutch (Phiney Pet)*
I admit it, this outfit is pretty simple, but sometimes comfort is key. Although it is simple, it’s perfect for this kind of year as it isn’t too warm and isn’t too cold. It’s great for the transition between summer and autumn. Due to spots and denim being involved in our inspiration images, I obviously had to wear my jacket and favourite dungarees. They’re too cute! Phiney (Josephine really) also gave me a keyring which I knew immediately would suit my pom pom headband, so the outfit came together quite quickly. I also had on this super cute little crochet crop top but I completely forgot to photograph it. Grrrr!

To be quite honest the clutch wasn’t quite was I was expecting in terms of size and style, but I actually kind of like it’s quirky charm. Even if I don’t get to wear it out that often, it will always be a reminder of finding new upcoming designers like Phiney. I love the little pineapple and the spots and everything painted basically. It’s just so cute! I think on holiday it would look adorable with all your beach essentials inside… aww, now I really want to go to the beach and sun bathe… *sighs*

Finally lets talk about the little details. Josephine also really kindly slipped in some of her super cute badges, they’re adorable and I especially love the pastel ones. They give an added girly-ness to my denim jacket, which I also love. It’s a little bit cropped (aka. too small) but I’ve got a lot of wear out of it which is always good. Speaking of wearing, I haven’t worn my Docs in ages, especially this pair. I definitely need to get some more boot socks for these bad boys. I will not have blisters for winter!
Thank you so much to Phiney Pet for joining me in this post, I hope that lots of you (my lovely readers) will have a nose on Phiney’s site… it’s super cute, so I totally recommend that you do. I cannot wait to see your SS 15′ collection PP! Did you like the clutch Phiney painted? Let me know in a comment! Speak soon 😀