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2013 Is Going To Be A Good Year: FACT.

By November 30, 2012 DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

The reason I put ‘FACT’ is simple. We have finished another year! A great one also. With the Diamond Jubilee, London 2012, and the end of the recession (some say), 2013 has got a lot to live up to, but I believe it will. Hopefully things will turn out for the best! The film world say so (with the new Hunger Games coming out), the Fashion world say so (with a new year of amazing trends), and so do us food lovers (Chicken Wings he we come! says Vogue Japan….?) Yes, it looks like it will turn out to be a good one, so here is a list of things you can do to make that FACT a reality….

Pictures from: 1: The Girl Who Couldn't Be A Fashionista, 2: The Hunger Games, 3: Highsnobette, 4: Rookie

Pictures from: 5: Metro & 7: Lenka

And, if 2012 is the end of the world, then cram all of this into the space of time we have left! Go on, DO IT! 🙂


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