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shoes for sale

One Item Blog Sale: Size 3 Gold Brogue Flats

By February 2, 2013 My Style

I have had these shoes for quite a while now, and I have also had them for quite a while, not fitting! My feet grew quite quickly after buying them, so they don’t really have any use to me anymore 🙁 I bought them with my own money for £25 from M&S and they are Size 3, but could possibly fit a 2.5 footed gal! The bottoms are a bit dirty, but only because the last time I wore them was on a really long walk in the village of Kate Moss’ house, just days before the wedding! If you didn’t look at the bottoms though, they are in perfect condition, but look sad without any feet inside them! Here are some pictures…

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4 photo 5They are generally sort of ‘worn’ in the style, so they aren’t as bad as they look. If you’re interested in these shoes, please contact me with any questions, and an offer of how much you would like to pay. I would be looking for about £12 plus £5 P+P (From France to the UK, Standard Air Mail). Payment will be through PAYPAL only, and I will expect payment within 3 days of receiving an invoice. I will not except refunds.


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