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Scrap Social #6 – The Last Few Pages

By December 15, 2015 Scrap Social

Look who’s back-back-back again! Both myself and our good little friend Scrap Social! I totally forgot of this series over the past few months so I’m back and I hope to still be doing it in the New Year! This is actually a showcase of the last few pages of this scrapbook. You’ll probably be mad at me for this but this scrapbook was finished in March… *gulps* so I will definitely have a new one to show you after this… don’t worry!

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

These pages unintentionally matched… I just suddenly realised after finishing them up that the model on the left page, had very similar sandals on to the ones from the postcard on the right. I loved the free spirit of the editorial piece on the left, so I added some fun little doodles around it… which sort of adds a contrast to the rough edges that I decided on to go with the natural backdrop and colour palette. To match the doodles, I added a border of ‘HAHAHAHAHA’ to the edge of the postcard (this one was featured in my Scrap Social Essentials post actually!), and some extra outlining as per usual. I love the colours of this page combo!

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

Another page combo with a nice colour palette are these two which I made up from a Claudie Perlot advertorial. I absolutely love the aesthetic it had, so I added a few other elements to it and I’m really happy with the effect. As I mentioned above, as per usual, there is some of my well known outlining again, which I think adds the finish touch. Sometimes pages don’t have to make sense in terms of telling a story, they just make sense in an artistic sense. Matching colours and creating a ‘vibe’ is what is important. Don’t ya’ think? Also – note the Hozier lyrics!

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

How To Make A Scrapbook - Scrap Social - Fashion Inspiration

Yes, that is indeed the final page. It’s an odd one, once again using some postcards which have an old/retro vibe to them. Sometimes I genuinely have no idea where I’m going with pages so they end up being really odd and this is a great example. I like it though, it has a nice message to it in a sense, even if the picture has no relevancy to it whatsoever. The bottom postcard I used was kind of weird and gross in some aspects (sloppy hot dogs from what looks like the 90s in a public swimming pool?!) but adding some captions and the BORING sign made it tie in nicely.

It’s actually interesting to compare the first and last page of my scrapbook because they’re so vastly different in colour scheme and style. You can see I stuck to Biro scribbles throughout, but you can definitely notice a change. You can see it for yourself if you like, take a click through this year’s Scrap Social scrapbook!


So, yup! That’s it 🙂 By the way, in case you missed it, there’s a #MooiEnLiefbyTDP give-away going on ight now! It ends in 2 days so make sure you get entering before it’s too late. Good luck and happy holidays everyone! Speak to you soon…

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