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My Style: £10 Vintage and Life on Mars

By March 11, 2019 My Style

It’s been a fair amount of time since I’ve used this space on the internet to be indulgent and talk simply about clothes and although this piece will still be sprinkled with nods to sustainability (it’s almost impossible for me not to, now), I want to ease your minds a little and get back into my creative and editorial groove…

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

WHAT I WORE: Vintage Suit – £10 (Originally Retromania London) // Silver Blouse (Jumble sale) // Platform heels (Vagabond – old

Not too long ago, I was walking the streets of London thinking of ways to kill time before my journey home and obviously, me being me, killing time often comes in the form of browsing vintage and charity stores. Enter, Retromania, a tiny old vintage store tucked away in Pimlico, that appeared on my phone as a Google Maps suggestion.

Unbeknown to me, Retromania was having a mega sale and when I say mega, I mean, upstairs was £10 and downstairs was £5. It explained why there was a lady hauling a gigantic mountain of clothes to the till; it was a vintage shoppers goldmine and only for a temporary period of time.

So, sure enough, I was grabbing different pieces from rails and dashing to the changing rooms, expecting to come away with treasures. Sadly, my first try on wasn’t as spectacular as I was envisioning.

That’s the thing with vintage or any second-hand shopping; you can pick out an item and have a specific vision for how it will look on you, only for it drape unevenly and hang off all the wrong places…

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

That’s until I was about to dash out the door, my departure time drawing closer, and my eyes returned to something that had stood out as soon as I’d entered. It was a mint green wool suit, about five sizes too big and a price tag of £40; a little too steeply priced and a little too oversized for my liking, especially when I’m no longer a fan of impulse purchases. I prefer the more considered approach.

But of course, the sale was on, and I was reminded that this piece was actually only £10 and well, I’ve adjusted trousers before, so, how hard could it be? I flung myself back in the changing room, stripped down all my layers once again and decided to take the plunge. This huge minty suit was destined to be mine.

And now it is; in all of its Life on Mars, Bowie-esque gloriousness. It took me a few days to adjust and tailor to my size but that £10 sale and the clock ticking to rush me out the door was all matter of destiny. My suit collection has officially grown and you can see a snippet of the adjustment process, over on my DIY Highlight on Instagram Stories.

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Just like how this suit recently entered my life, so did colourful eyeshadow. You may or may not know but make-up just isn’t for me. I’m at a stage now where even though my skin is far from perfect, I would rather face the occasional day where I lack in self-confidence than keep up a strict skincare routine or buy single-use beauty products which I probably wouldn’t know how to apply, anyway.

Yes, even my disinterest in make-up turns out to be an incidental sustainable lifestyle choice. However, I do love colour and I’ve never been against the idea of creative make-up which allows you to enhance your personality. In fact, I’ve reblogged a lot of posts on Tumblr which explain my feelings about it all, in various different ways.

I’m embracing it and allowing myself to explore something I’ve, well, resisted for so long. My eyelids match my suit, my suit matches David Bowie, and all of what I’m wearing is sustainable (second-hand clothes and extremely worn in platforms). What more could a girl want?

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

Retromania London £10 Vintage Life on Mars Inspired Suit

If you own a sewing machine or know a friend who’s willing to help you out, this is a PSA – get that mint green suit which looks like it would never fit you. Save something from ending up unworn (perhaps even in a landfill), get creative and live your sartorial dreams.

How would you have styled this suit? What’s your best vintage bargain? Let me know in the comments!


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