Yes, this Ted Baker bag is a great British bag. It is quite cheap for a Ted Baker bag, and it is super cute! I have one myself, but not in the GB style, so I do recommend it. You can buy it at this price below, at!
Yes, this Ted Baker bag is a great British bag. It is quite cheap for a Ted Baker bag, and it is super cute! I have one myself, but not in the GB style, so I do recommend it. You can buy it at this price below, at!
Today, all of my posts are going to be Olympic themed, of course, because tonight is the London 2012 Opening Ceremony! So, to start off this Festive Fashion, lets take a look at this matching Top & Trousers by Alexandra Kapsala. They both have lots of different sporting ‘events’ all over them, and they are both matching Yellow…
Yes they are designer, as you can see by the price. But, if you want to splash out this London 2012, go do it!