I feel like I am being very nice to you guys recently. The Posh Fashion Awards where you won AMAZING prizes, Advertising on my blog to get exposure, and of course my upcoming give-away which I hope you will like. To be even more nice, I decided to publish a long awaited post about some of my favourite fashion blogs. Enjoy…

Alex from Bambella Blog:
I first came across Alex’s blog on Twitter I believe, and it was when her blog was fairly new. The blog is very simple, yet is has a lot of character, and I think if you can charm your readers without doing much at all, you are on the right track. My favourite posts on Alex’s blog, are her OOTDs, because they are so fun and the photos are amazing. I have met Alex once before (hopefully for a shopping trip soon too!) and she is super duper lovely. Every time I read her blog, it makes me smile because she is so honest. Alex also has YouTube where she posts the cutest videos ever, and I hope she uploads a new one soon!

Caroline from Burkatron:
I found Caroline’s blog through Instagram, and instantly fell in love. Her blog has a great mixture of content, from nail art to OOTDs to weekly favourites. The pictures are extremely clear and her fashion sense is so crisp and ‘swishy'(?!). I love the fact that even though Caroline does get sent things for review, you don’t feel like it is heavily based on reviews etc, which now-a-days is a very common thing. Caroline also does great DIYs so if you want a new crafty blog to read, this is the one for you.

Carrie from Wish Wish Wish:
I’m not quite sure how I found Carrie’s blog… I think maybe my sister recommended it, anyway, it doesn’t matter because I love it. The thing I really love is the pure mix of photography. They may not seem different, but I feel like each picture has a different character to them. I love Carrie’s simple tutorials, her travel guides, and just generally the whole feel of the blog. Every time she wears something, I feel like throwing it into my Christmas wish list. She’s bad for people like me with 0 pennies at the moment, but I seriously cannot resist peaking onto her blog everyday to see the new content. Also, she works at ASOS. Well-jell! (Oh dear… I never use that word…)

Olivia from What Olivia Did:
I think every blogger and their pets are inspired by Olivia’s graceful fashion sense. It’s so whimsical and retro, but she makes it look like anyone could work what she wears. Not only does Olivia do amazing OOTDs, she also does lifestyle posts, including a guide to the best burgers, oh yes, and her trip to Glastonbury this year, which I loved. Just like Carrie, I wish I had Olivia’s wardrobe. She is just so lovely, and I am proud to say that she follows me on Twitter. #fangirl

Natasha from Girl in The Lens:
Natasha’s blog is a recent find for me, but oh my, it’s a gooden. Her style is effortless and chic, yet simple and cute (wow, a lot of descriptive words there). The photography on Natasha’s blog is amazing, and I hope one day I am as skilled as her at editing etc. Her blog has a mix of posts including trend posts, posts on models, and of course the obligatory OOTD. I really do love her blog.

Lisette from Lisette Loves:
Where do I start. Hm. Let’s just start with the fact that I LOVE LISETTE. I probably sound like a creep, in fact I do, but I don’t care. I remember first stumbling across her blog and thinking it was sort of average, and leaving it to the back of my mind, then one day when I asked for links to face masks recipes, and her’s popped up, I did re-think, and decide that actually I truly love Lisette’s blog. Again, like Alex’s blog, it is very simple yet it has so much character to it. I talk to Lisette quite a lot on Twitter and she seems like the most loveliest person ever. And to put the cherry on top (of the milkshake she is drinking), Lisette also has YouTube which makes me love her even more. Lisette recently guest blogged for me, make sure to check it out on my main blog page.

Stephanie & Sam from A Wedding Dream:
As you can probably tell, Stephanie & Sam are getting married! Steph from Stephanie Dreams started the blog to collect all the ideas and memories in one place to share with the world and people like me who love gorgeous photography. On ‘A Wedding Dream’ you can find inspiration for weddings and also Steph & Sam’s engagement party pictures which are utterly adorable. If any of you can remember, I actually interviewed Stephanie absolutely yonks ago, here, so if you want to know more about her then head back to that old post!
Here are a few other blogs I absolutely adore: The Briar Rose Blog//The Life of A Fashion Nerd//Sarah Loves//Love Taza
I definitely think you should all go out and check out these amazing blogs. You may just find a gem which picks your fancy! Make sure to tell me your favourite blogs in the comments below!
(All images above are from the blogs. I have edited them for the use of this post, and I have permission from all the bloggers above.)