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Getting Back Into YouTube | New Videos

By January 23, 2015 YouTube

Scary times people! I’m back on that thing called YouTube… eep! One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to start filming videos again, because for some reason, you guys actually seem to like them?! Yeah, I know… so without further a-do, come and watch me gabble about nothing and answer a few questions that I got asked on Twitter & Instagram. Enjoy!


This video is simply just me telling you that I’m filming videos again… in a faux fur pastel gilet. Yup. No, I should probably take this a bit more seriously… I genuinely want to get back into YouTube. I just find it really hard to actually think up ideas. With blogging, you write and take pictures and you let that do the talking, but with YouTube, you have to sit down and make words come out of your mouth without sounding like any other ‘vlogger’. I don’t really want to do tags, although I have done them in the past… and with blogging as well, I know that artsy type videos take a long time. So, I’m just winging it basically. We’ll see what happens. Yeah?


For my second video of the year, I decided to film a bit of a Q&A session. I don’t know whether it’s very interesting, but I thought it would be an easy way to quick off the year, non? Thank you for the questions by the way! If you really want to know what goes on, I tell you where my dream place to live is, why I have all of those black and white logos in my sidebar (features, innit’) and whether I prefer summer or winter. Enjoy!

So erm… yeah! I should actually have a new video really soon (aka, in my next blog post) so if you want to see that before anyone else, then make sure you subscribe… oh and click the like button, leave a comment and share it with all of your friends (I jest)… 🙂 I apologise for the sarcasm in this post but as you can probably tell I’m slightly nervous about this whole video thing… 


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