I know I’m a girl, and I expect most of my audience is mainly female (guys are welcome too!), but sometimes I like to touch on menswear, and today is one of those days! I never really am that interested in the London Collections: Men but I thought I’d have a look, and surprisingly enough the collections weren’t half bad! Take a look… (Images via Vogue)
Which is your favourite collection? Have a look through and leave a comment!
Katie Eary: Interesting… 60s vibes, bright colours, prints, denim… I’m not 100% sure. In my personal opinion I think it reminds me of Holly Fulton’s collections…? Maybe… haha! I do like the jackets and mixed denim blouses, but I think it’s the scarves and high necks which just don’t sell it to me. What do you think? To me it’s just a bit odd and one of those collections which I think only real in-depth fashion-y people would understand… so maybe one day I will Rating: 6/10
Kit Neale: Ahh, Kit. I love him. This collection is just perfect. I know not all guys would be able to rock the pieces, but I would hope that my future husband would at least attempt something like this. I love the cactus print rain-coat short combo, and the pastel printed trousers. It’s glorious! Plus, Kit’s collaborated with Tatty Devine to create the ‘Little Monsters’, which I think are awesome. I would quite like one please! Cacti though… yup, I love cacti… I could go on and on about the cacti used in this collection, so I should probably stop here. Rating: 11/10 (bonus point)
Markus Lupfer: Ahh what a beautiful mix. I love the prints, the structure, the simplicity and the camo… it’s a beauty. Definitely a collection most young guys could work (I think anyway)… I’d be happy to see my future husband (lol… whoever he is, he’s going to have to be very daring in his sense of style… lol) wearing it anyway! It has the Christopher Kane vibe too which I like! I’m a huge fan of white and blue together and this is an exquisite way to use it! Oui oui, tres bien! Rating: 100/10 (Just because it’s probably more wearable than Kit Neal…)
Moschino: Hmm… okay… yup I’m very confused. I can’t quite make out what this is all about… it’s almost like a pic n’ mix of global styles. I’m seeing farmers, prisoners and security guards, horse riders, swimmers, and 90s vibes… anyone else on the same page?! I do like the smiley faces, and the colourful prints but I just don’t. get. it. Rating: 6.5/10
Sankuanz Presented by GQ China: I think there is something very interesting here. It’s simple, yet it’s… unique. The doodles and the over-sized props and anime eyes all tie in… and I’m not sure how! It just works. Some designers are magical, and this is definitely one of them. I love the printed shorts too, I think they are velvet(?!), and they look awesome. I’d be happy to own a pair even if I am a ‘gal’. Plus, a top with a cat on… come on.. that makes it a winner. Rating: 8.5/10
Sibling: I would say this is like a caveman rock band with some weird red bauble slap bang in the middle. A very odd combination. I would say the only thing I really like is the shoes and the denim. The bone necklaces remind me of a school play we did when I was about 5… fun times… fun. times. I feel like menswear designers always go a bit more crazy… are Sibling raising money for Comic Relief with that giant bauble? I’m serious… like what is that?! Rating: 5/10 (not too keen on the caveman/Flintstones vibes…)
I’m actually doing some pretty cool things behind the scenes which I should be able to tell you about soon! It’s cray-cray. Speak soon <3 I love you dearly, I promise.