Today is my 15th birthday! Yes little me is half way to thirty, crazy right? I was thinking quite hard for what to write for today, and then an idea came to me. Because you guys follow this blog and give it so much love, I want my birthday wishes to be for you. So here are my 15th birthday wishes, which I need you to make come true!
(I haven’t dyed my hair… just in case you couldn’t tell, this is a bit of funky editing because I couldn’t find any other pictures!)
1. I wish that you realised you are beautiful just the way you are 
One of my biggest dreams is for people to realise that being themselves is the most perfect thing in the world. If I can inspire just one person to do that thing for them, or dress the way they want to dress, that would be the biggest wish come true.
2. I wish that nobody was labelled for being like this or that 
This wish and the next are quite connected. I just wish people weren’t judged for what they are. 99.9% of people are who they are because that’s just how life works. No-body is perfect and if we all accept that, then everyone will be perfect.
3. I wish that people understood that skinny shaming is also a “thing” 
I don’t care how many people say that “skinny people are lucky”, I will always say that skinny shaming is just as big as an issue as saying to someone their fat. I’ve written about my own experiences with this before, and Zoe (Zoe London) recently commented on it too. Please read both pieces.
4. I wish that people would think before they type 
Some people online still don’t realise that even if you don’t show your face, nasty words and comments, still hurt. I don’t deal with this personally but I know so many people do. In real life too… words. hurt.
5. I wish that everyone realised that comparison is the thief of joy 
In my 14th birthday blog post I put down this phrase as one of the 14 things I’ve learnt in 14 years, and it’s still in my mind. I’ve learnt since then that comparing people is just ridiculous because everyone has a completely different life and story, in every shape or form.
(Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind!)
6. I wish my favourite quote would be everyone else’s favourite quote too 
Because even if The Cat In A Hat made it up (*cough* Dr Seuss *cough*), it’s something very special!
7. I wish that you would all go and support Fashion Revolution 
It’s a simple task; go support the campaign.
8. I wish that people would share the love more often 
I think this is truly important; not only because it’s just a kind thing to do, but because I believe what goes around, comes around.
9. I wish that the small things would seem beautiful to everyone 
Life isn’t about great big, materialistic things. It’s about all the little details that are magical in their own unique way.
10. I wish hopes and dreams didn’t get crushed by one person saying “You can’t.” 
Because YOU CAN.
11. I wish that you will do one thing today that is out of your comfort zone 
Whether you wear something you never thought you’d wear, or you tell someone something you’d never usually say. Do something to make yourself feel proud!
12. I wish that everyone would be creative 
It sounds weird, but we all have the capability. If you create something, then you’re creative. Give it a go, go and make something magical!
13. I wish that you could tell me how my blog helps you 
It might not, but it’s worth a try? Leave me a comment and tell me why (ooh, that ryhmes)!
14. I wish that in 15 years you’re wearing a piece of my clothing 
A wish for me and for you. I hope that you’re wearing something that I’ve created and that you feel good in it. Make a mental note for 2030, yeah?
15. I wish that you make at least one of these things come true 