This is a sad, sad day. I have decided to let go of something which I have taken care of, for 2 years. It was exciting to make it, and the outcome of it was also brilliant, but I decided to that it is time to say good bye. If you’ve read the title, then you’ll know it is not this blog (why would I do that?! Plus, I haven’t even been blogging for a year yet!), but it is The Nespresso Dress. I created this for an Art Scholarship and I got it (thankfully). It was a project which was very fun, and I enjoyed every second. It involved collecting rubbish for over 4 weeks and then sticking them all onto my mum’s tailors dummy. Sounds simple, right? Well, here’s the catch. I didn’t sew it together, I had to pin it together. It was a long and painful time, when making it, and when taking it apart. But, I did it! And, I hope you like it, because today you are going to say Hello (& Goodbye) to the Nespresso Dress… oh, if you don’t know, Nespresso is coffee.

WHAT I USED: Waitrose Bags, Nespresso Pots, Chocolate Holder, Rope, Mumbai Spice Idian Meal Box, Buttons, Cheese Netting, Accessorize Bags Hot Glue Gun, Staples & Pins.
I said Goodbye to it today, as it was getting in the way, and at some point I was going to do it anyway, so no better time like the present! I have kept some of the strips of Nespresso Pots to perhaps add to hair bands, or just keep as a souvenir for it. I would say if you like making things from scratch, this is the sort of thing you should try out. It’s simple, and you can go anywhere with it. I did make it myself, with a bit of guidance with the Hot Glue gun from mum. I was very happy when I received the scholarship, as I knew it played a part in getting me it. I was also a bit sad when I ripped it all off (carefully), but I really want to make more use of the tailor’s dummy this year, so it had to be done! I hope you like it!
I am really sorry that I haven’t been doing many fashion/trend/outfit posts, I have been really busy, and those are the posts which take time to do. I have a few posts scheduled, which will be coming soon, but I just can’t do everything! I’m not superwoman! (Well, I mean, you could say that I am…)