I was recently awarded the ‘Shine On’ award by Orla at The Cool Customer. It is similar to the Liebster Award which I have also received, so here is my post! Thank you so much Orla! First up are the questions which I need to answer!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?: I see myself hopefully, on the FROW of all the main fashion shows 🙂 Haha. I really do hope I will be! I also see myself at a fashion college, preferably Central Saint Martins (London) or Parsons New School of Design (New York).
What was the last thing you watched, ate and read?: Watched: Jonathan Ross Show, but only half of it. Ate: Shrimps & Bananas. Read: Orla’s post on the Shine On awards 🙂
What are your views and opinions on Feminism?:I don’t really have any views on it, I don’t really powerfully believe in it in anyway, and to be honest I think quite a few bloggers say they believe in Feminism just because they see their favourite blogger believing in it. So, there you go.
If you had to choose one designer or a shop to dress you forever, who would you choose and why?:I would choose… Mary Katrantzou (is that how you spell it?) because I know that she would dress in me in either bold prints or in bold cuts, and that’s what I love! (Image from Pinterest).

What inspired you to begin blogging?:My dream to become a Fashion Designer did. If I want to get to that dream, I need to begin somewhere, right? Through blogging I have been able to start getting closer to it.
What’s your favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?:My Saint James stripey top! I seriously can’t live without it! It goes with everything and is perfect for all seasons.
What was the best adventure you ever had?:So far, it has been moving to France. It was very exciting but at the same time, super nerve racking!
Favourite quote ever, and why?:”Even if happiness forgets you a bit never completely forget about it.” We have had this in our house either on a wall, or painted on a piece of furniture, for like, ever. It makes me smile, and always tells me that no matter what, there is always a silver lining to everything.
Most embarrasing moment ever?: Probably when I was told that I was about to walk into a lamp post, but walked into it anyway. That was quite funny. Haha.
Period in history you would most like to visit for a day?:The day of the moon landing. That day must have been amazing. We haven’t really had anything like that yet, except from the internet. Come on NASA, when are you off to Mars?
I nominate:Ellie, Zoe, Anna, Lucy & Lucy A.

I would love if you could answer these 10 questions and then answer them on your blog. Then nominate 5 other bloggers and notify them, and ask them 10 different questions!
1 – Blusher or Bronzer?
2 – Honey or Chocolate?
3 – David Beckham or Josh Hutcherson?
4 – Vivienne Westwood or Coco Chanel?
5 – Fish fingers or Sushi?
6 – Name a film that makes your cry.
7 – Would you climb a mountain or shave your hair off for charity?
8 – If you had to wear one item of clothing for a whole year, what would it be and why?
9 – If you had to go and live with one Fashion Designer, who would it be?
10 – What would you make if you were given: A plastic bag, a pair of curtains, a sofa cover, a pair of scissors and tape?
Thank you so much Orla for nominating me! I hope the people who I nominate are very grateful and do the post! Merci!