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fashion for kids

Cute Kids Clothing: Sparkle & Spin

By December 30, 2012 Fashion

I was browsing around and found this really cute site called Sparkle & Spin, and I have fallen in love! Its quite similar to what I would like to have in my kids brand. But, I would obviously do it differently?! Duh… anyway, I thought I would share it with you! (Images from Sparkle & Spin) The brand is for 2 – 10 year olds, Babies, and generally kids stuff, so a little too small for me, but still really cute!

Yes Siree – Girls

Stars, Squares, Spots & More – Girls

What’s New Pussycat – Girls

Winter Blues – Girls

Pink & Grey – Babies

Gorgeous In Grey – Babies

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Childrenswear: Price & Perfection

By November 20, 2012 Fashion

The other day I was reading the newspaper, when it came to a really interesting article about Childrenswear. It was about how in the 70s childrenswear was just beginning and nobody really thought anything of it, so if you were a child, you would just wear what ever took your parents fancy, but now it’s all about making your child look like the manequin in the shop window. It’s all about the ‘price and perfection’. So, as a child (Teen in 6 Months!), I thought about it, and it is true; these 12 years so far, have changed our parents.

For example, when I was 3 or 4, my mum would probably make me some clothes or just pop out an buy the cutest, but smartest clothes there were, and for a reasonable price. Now, she’ll take me out, and I’ll choose the odd top and maybe a few accessories, and I’ll be fine. But, if she took me down to Harrods and gave me £2,000 to get one dress, I would probably, either faint or tell her she was bonkers. At my age, I never intend on being given anything over £200, or even £100, I would more likely want to grab a bargain outfit down at Primark, and I wouldn’t care about the price! But the thing is, some parents are actually doing this now. The whole, give ya’ kid a grand thing, is actually happening. Now, as you know the celebrity baby boom has hit, with Harper Seven coming into the world, and also celebs like Robbie Williams becoming a father. This has definitely had an impact. People want their kids to look like these million dollar babies, who have the cutest Gucci shoes on, and the perfect blue dress from Chanel. Now, I am sure we would all love to own such labels, but isn’t that the only reason?

(The Top & Leggings are from Gap)

So as you can see, what’s the point in spending that cash, when you can get the same thing, just with a different label on? Now, I know Harper Seven does look extremely cute, but is that just the ‘Beckham’ name playing on us? I don’t know, but that’s the not the whole point of this post…. If you want me to do a cutest baby post, then I am more than happy, but lets just stick to what this one’s all about….!

I think people are just thinking that because the people who can afford to do what ever, means they can too. Yes, of course we all have our dreams to have that one special dress, but is it really worth it, when you know, because it’s so special, you’ll only ever wear it on that one day? Which means, what’s the point in spending $$$ on baby clothes, when they’re going to grow out of them anyway? It’s different when your my age, because, yes your still growing, but your growing at a rate that clothes will last for a year or so, but at that age, the growing rate is rapid!

To be honest, us kids are beginning to be more like mini-mes. Now, as a young girl, you have to have played that game at school which involves picking the Year 3 girls and choosing which one looks more like you, and then play silly games with them? No? Oh, you have? Oh, so you haven’t? Um.. looks like just me then…Yup. It’s like that but with your own parents! More and more designer ranges are bringing out identical versions of dresses etc but at a mini size. Why do I want to look like an identical twin? I don’t! Kids should be who they want to be! This is why I have always dreamt of a store which you can send in your designs, and they’ll become a real thing in the store. (Oi! Don’t you think about stealing that idea now!) That’s why my dream is to become a fashion designer, to save the children of today’s children!

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Opening of New York Boutique Store ‘Opening Ceremony’ in London

By July 20, 2012 Fashion

Yes, I am back! I have had a short break and ready to start to some more posts and fresh things!

I came across this, and I love it! Opening Ceremony is a new Boutique from New York. It is really fresh and funky, and you can now visit a pop-up store in London’s Covent Garden. One day I would love to have stores quite similar to this, but a completely different take on the clothes. I love the ideas they have, and you have to visit there site. If you are someone like me, then you will love it! It is bright, funky, and totally cool! The store is for Men, Women & Kids, and most of the clothing in the store is all for the London Store, so what is there, is only there. Take a look > Opening Ceremony (US).

Opening Ceremony Covent Garden

I love the style and I think it works so well with the Olympics! And the stairs! I love that idea! It is super cool, and new!  If you can’t read it, it says…


For more information on this awesome store, you can take a look at the


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What To Wear… When Going Abroad

By July 12, 2012 General

When you go on Holiday, first you have to go on a flight, well usually anyway! Quite a few times, I’ve thought, what am I going to wear! I want something comfy, but I want something stylish, and it’s raining here in the UK, but it’s going to be boiling where we’re going! It’s quite hard sometimes, so here’s the perfect thing to wear. For you & anyone my age! Take a look…

WOMEN: Pleat Bust Jumpsuit £50.00 Bright Pink (ASOS), Multi Weave Foldover Bag £40.00 (ASOS), White Broderie Blazer £35.00 (River Island), Biege Print Bow Ballerina Pumps £25.00 (River Island) & Gold Tone Multi Pack of Rings £5.00 (River Island). GIRLS: Pink Love Print Burnout Tank Top £8.00 (River Island), Black Stripe Skinny Jeans £20.00 (River Island), Teens Gold Pumps £15.99 (Newlook) & Pink Cosy Hoodie £14.00 (River Island).

These outfits, are both super stylish and super comfy! I would try it out!

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