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€1 boots

My Style: Dreaming of a Bigger Hairspray Bottle

By January 29, 2013 Beauty, DIY & Lifestyle, My Style

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photo 1photo 2photo 3photo 4Yes, Dad takes the pictures! (You can see him in my glasses)

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WHAT I WORE:River Island Sleeveless Top, Primark ‘Cheryl Cole Style’ Dress, New Look Aztec Top (Underneath), White Trousers (Not sure where from), Claire’s Sunglasses & €1 Charity Shop Sanstone Walking Boots.

If you’re wondering where I got my Jumbo Hairspray (Fake) Bottle from, well, I made it! My mum had these big cardboard things which were for holding some clothes moth protectors, and I thought I would make something of it! I use paper mache, then sprayed it gold, and then just added everything else! I would love it if L’Oreal were to release one of these, it would solve all our ‘not enough spray’ worries! Also, do you like my GIF? I thought it would add the something extra to my OOTDs… 😀

What were you wearing today? Do you wear Walking Boots as a fashion statement? What’s your best bargain?

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€1 Boots: Before & After

By January 29, 2013 Fashion, My Style

The other day when we were out on a walk (and doing my last post pictures), we found our first proper Charity Shop! It was actually the French Red Cross, and we actually met an English lady in there who told us a few things. But, most importantly, we found an amazing pair of €1 Worker Boots! Now, many of you will know that I am dying for a pair of Dr Martens, but I still don’t have them! These boots though, for €1 are pretty cool… In other bargain news, my sister recently bought 2 pairs of Kurt Geiger shoes for £19 each, one pair in which was £75 originally, and the other pair was £65! BARGAIN!


photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4Pretty Good? Huh?!

I would probably call myself a boots person, as I generally find you can work them in so many different ways. Some people might find that worker boots would look quite big and chunky on me, but I really like them! These are a perfect fit, and they are pretty worn, and dusty, so that’s why I’m showing you what €1 can become… For some reason I can’t find any info or links about this brand though… hmm….


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Amazing Results after a long wash!

I am extremely happy with the results! The lighting in the first batch of pictures was different, but they are a lot more red! They took quite a while to dry after, but this is the actual result! I had to give them a good scrub with the Suede brush because they were pretty rough, but now they are nice and smooth! They look way more expensive than €1, right?

Make sure to tell me what you think, and also tell me you best ever bargain, by leaving me a comment below!

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