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dr martens black shimmer 1460s boots

Finally…. I own a pair of Dr Martens 1460s

By April 7, 2013 Fashion, My Style

Compose yourself Tolly, it’s just a pair of shoes…A pair of the most amazing shoes which I have been waiting soooo long for! Yes, TDP officially owns a pair of Dr Martens! The classic pair of 1460s of course. They maybe 2nd hand, but I simply do not care. I can now say the phrase, ‘I own a pair of Dr Martens’.
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3The pair of Size 5 (38) costing €30 (£25.40) slipped into my hands around about half past five today, in a small town near Castres in France. We went to a few jumble sales and Vide Greniers (french word for jumble sale kind of thing) today, to try them out, and the last one was certainly the best. We drove into the town and saw loads of cars parked everywhere, and walked up a hill where we found loads of stalls through the streets where people were living. I was hoping perhaps I may have come across a pair of these beauties, but I really wasn’t expecting it. We stopped to have ‘un barquette de frites’ (chips) for a snack, and my mum said ‘We will find you a pair‘ (Randomly). We walked on, and as I turned my head. I stopped, and ran. The pair above were sat on a table waiting to be taken away to a new home. 2 french girls were running the stall, and thought I was absolutely bonkers when I went ‘AAAAAH. DR MARTENS!! OMG!!‘ and then almost fainted (No joke, I really did). My dad then asked what size they were, I heard the number ’38’, then literally chucked them on the floor and tried them on. I slipped them on, and they fitted nicely, perhaps a little big for now, but I can only grow! They are in the best of conditions, almost like new, and nowhere near worn and stretched like you see on eBay (Where I’ve been looking for the past 7 years…). The icing on the cake was the price. €30?! Original 1460s cost about £100 RRP, so I had an amazing bargain! I swapped my boots over, and got to keep the original box too! The fact that they are pretty much identical to the ones in my DM poster, is amazing. Expect to see these babies in lots of OOTDs! I don’t think I will ever forget Sunday 7th April 2013. My first pair of Dr Martens were put on my feet. #firstandforever

Have you got Dr Martens? When and how did you get your first pair? How many pairs do you own? Make sure to tell me in the comments below!

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