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Tom Ford & Individuality

By January 16, 2013 Beauty, Fashion

Last night I watched a documentary on YouTube about, the one and only, Tom Ford. Quite frankly, before this documentary I didn’t really know much about him, but now I do, and he is brilliant. He took Gucci from bankruptcy to literally bank irruption (I.e over flowing with cash). He then joined YSL when Gucci took them over, and was again, just brilliant. Ford then stopped working and produced a film in 2009 (A Single Man), which was about his depression after quitting. After that he came back with the Tom Ford brand and then in 2011, created his first TF Women’s Collection. He now has a beauty range as well. Now, although Ford is brilliant, I’m not here to babble on about his successes, I’m here to talk about what he said.

 Nearing the end of the documentary, he talked about style. He said that style is all about being comfortable about who you are and what you wear. He then went on to say that you can have no money and look amazing or have loads and wear what you think looks good but actually your losing yourself in it all. At this point your probably thinking, ”And your point is…?” Well, it’s to say what I say all the time, those who get spotted for being stylish are those who are individual. Those who don’t care. Those who have no boundaries. He also said that in this day and age, people aren’t brave. Not like many years ago when people were extravagantly dressed, and wore things that were ridiculously OTT. Not like the tribes who lengthen their ears and adorn themselves in jewellery and spiritual accessories. When I heard what he said, I thought to myself and thought, I really need to be a bit more individual. I need to be more extravagant. To be honest, I don’t really have a style, I wouldn’t really be able to class myself in any certain style criteria, but I would be able to say that I wear things that most people wouldn’t. I’m not like Ophelia Horton who has all the vintage clothes, but I am still as into fashion as any other blogger/fashionista. Anyway, back to the point, I agree with Tom, he tells us that people need to be more extravagant, and that’s what I am going to do this year, be more brave, and break the boundaries.

See my Confidence & Courage post here.

Watch the video here.


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Confidence & Courage

By January 6, 2013 DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

Recently, I was chatting with a twitter tweep, and we got to the discussion of confidence in what you wear. They said that they had died their hair bright blue, and then changed it back to brown again, because they stuck out like a sore thumb. I could understand where they were coming from, with the whole ‘Look at me, I’m different’ thing. I sometimes think to myself, ‘but, people are going to look at me’. When I visit the local supermarket, I am certain I get strange looks. I think it’s probably because I always wear my hat inside, well, it is cold! It does give me that feeling of insecurity, but then my dad does the cheesy thing of saying ‘They do it because you’re pretty’, well, okay, thanks dad, but I don’t want to sound vain here. Anyway, this post is all about building confidence. I feel since starting my blog, I have definitely felt more confident in what I wear, as it’s out in the open. So, I have created a guide, to building your confidence and your building up your courage, in whichever way possible…

confidence1Starting a blog can be quite hard, because if you get good amounts of views, you may have to start doing it every day. BUT! I have a solution! If you start a online diary (a public diary), it can be about anything, so you start to express your opinions which can help you. A blog is different because you’re doing it to a specific subject, and you kind of have to commit to it. With this, because it’s about anything and everything, there’s not much commitment at all! Because, people aren’t relying on you. Here are some examples…

Picture 3The Public Diary

I really like this one. It has things that are really quite unusual, like a day out of a bus window etc, so if you want inspiration, there’s a gooden!

Picture 2Terry’s Diary

 This is what I mean by anything and everything. It literally is. Random pictures, random everything! It is very basic, and I guess anyone could do this!

confidence2I’ve never personally been to a Meet & Greet but I know that many YouTubers hold them. Now, you may be thinking why would that help me, but it would for these reasons… 1. You will meet lots of different people, and personalities, which will show you that you can be whoever you like. 2. You may get some inspiration from it, and you might end up being even better than the YouTuber you met! 3. You will learn a lot because you’ll begin to talk to people, and you might meet people who wear things totally random, and you might catch on, and that could boost you!

confidence3Even if you don’t get into Fashion Week, just get to the place around it! Have a nice day out, and take some pictures of people. It can tell you that if you have a love for fashion, then you should be able to wear what ever you want to wear! I’ve been to Clothes Show Live, and even there loads of people wore mad things, I hadn’t started blogging yet, but it gave me some inspiration.

confidence4GO OUT! Wear what you feel like you should be wearing! Go to big cities like London, Paris, Birmingham, New York, you’re sure to get spotted, for the right reasons! I remember when I first went out wearing these sunglasses that I thought were OTT and ridiculous, I came back and I people had said that they liked them! Woop!

Now, I know this wasn’t all fashion related, but sometimes we just need that inspiration don’t we? Just sometimes? Oh! And before you finish reading!! The Give-Away starts tomorrow! Woop! It’s to say thank you for the recent amazing views, and Twitter boom. Thank you so much! Here’s what you could win…

A sweet little swallow bracelet by Delilah Dust 🙂 So cute!

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