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blogger liebster

I was nominated for a Liebster Award!

By February 8, 2013 Fashion, My Style

liebsterIf you aren’t a blogger, you probably have no idea what I mean. Well, now’s the time to learn! A Liebster Award is a on going award where you’re nominated for it (if you’re a blogger), you answer questions, and then you nominate other people, and they do the same, and it goes on, and on, and on… So! The lovely Mag from The Smart Girl’s Guide to Fashion, has nominated me! There is no prize (I believe), but it is really nice to know that other bloggers are reading and enjoying my blog! When you’re nominated you are meant to do a post on it, so here is mine! 1st are my 11 Facts, then my answers from Mag’s questions…

liebster4 liebster3MY NOMINEES: I chose some of my favourite bloggers which I have recently found, and that I am loving right now!

liebster2Michelle, Becky, Orla, Joelle, Becky, Ines, Islay, Alice, Imogen, Suzie & Love Taza.


  1. Your favourite high-street shop?:
  2. Without looking, can you remember one line from the Thrift Shop Song?:
  3. Shoes, Make-Up or Jewelry? (Pick one):
  4. If you had £1,000 to spend, where would you spend it, and what would you buy?:
  5. Where would you love to live, or do you live there already?:
  6. Do you know the first word you said?:
  7. You can either go to a 80% Off Sale at your favourite designer store, or you can go to New York Fashion Week? What would you do?:
  8. If you could spend 1 day with someone (dead or alive), who would it be?:
  9. Best part about blogging?:
  10. Sunsets or Shooting Stars?:
  11. The best thing that has happened to you (so far)?:

Nominees: Please answer the above questions, compile a list of 11 Facts about you, nominate 11 blogs that you have discovered (or rediscovered) for the award, and link back to this post!

Merci beaucoup pour Mags proposé ma candidature!, and I hope the people who have been nominated (by moi!) are really happy!


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