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What To Do When A Blog Post Goes Wrong

By May 4, 2015 General

I thought it would be a good time to write up a new blogging advice post! It’s been a nice gap since the last one (which you can read here), so here we are again! This post is about dealing with something I personally deal with quite a bit and that is when a blog post goes wrong, or at least when it doesn’t go according to plan. It’s a really irritating situation so I thought it would be good to help out those of you who also suffer with the same thing. Let’s do this!

when a blog post goes wrong - blogging advice tips and tricks

Don’t get in a fluster…

One of the biggest things I struggle with in this situation is getting stressed. When I have a perfect vision of how a blog post should be, I can get quite irritated with myself (and other people…) when it doesn’t go to plan. The best thing to do is to step back and think. Take yourself out of the situation and re-evaluate what you’re doing! This leads me onto the next step…

Put yourself in a different mindset…

Just like I said above, you need to think. Stop and think about how you could do things differently. Let’s say you’re taking outfit pictures; Is it the background that looks odd? Do you need to add an extra accessory to balance everything out? Do you simply need to tweak some settings on your camera?

Simple thoughts like this can help you decide whether the blog post has really gone wrong. Most of the time it’s just one small detail that’s out of place, so just ask yourself a few of those sorts of questions.

when a blog post goes wrong - blogging advice tips and tricks

Change what you’re trying to achieve…

It might sound weird but the main problem may just be what you’re trying to achieve. Let’s say this time that you’re taking pictures of your favourite shoes and you might be wearing them on your feet in the pictures, and it just isn’t working; Why not include them in outfit grids instead? Pop them on a plain floor and do different outfits! Or maybe try and achieve a cool, abstract photoshoot by putting them on your hands and editing the way it’s put together.

It sounds weird but just changing the main look and feel of a post can totally shift how you’re feeling about it. It might not be the way you had imagined it to work out, but it might just be the way that works out best.

If nothing seems to be going right, don’t waste what you’ve already done…

I know the temptation of wanting to delete all of the pictures and throw away all of the notes you had already drafted up, but don’t! When it all seems to be going wrong, what you’ve done so far might be perfect for something else. Let’s take this blog post for example! You see these pictures I’ve used? Well, I didn’t get enough of them to make them into a full outfit post (you can see that heredifferent location!) but I kept the ones I had, and now they’re here!

Don’t waste good work, even if it doesn’t seem good enough in the moment. Keep those ideas, pictures and notes close by, to transform them into something else that is completely different altogether.

when a blog post goes wrong - blogging advice tips and tricks

If you’re feeling under pressure, STOP!

Last but not least, if you really can’t help but get flustered, stop. It might just be that you’re rushing the idea, or it just wasn’t meant to be! Recently I was planning a blog post and because I was working with brands on it, I really got myself stressed over it not turning out perfect, so I ended up turning it into something I can manage; I took it from one great big post and chopped it up into a series (*cough* I mean my Fast Food Fashion outfit *cough*).

I really hoped this helped some of you! If it did, please make sure to leave a comment below! They’re now non-Disqus so you can leave one whenever and whoever you are! I’d love to know what you thought of these tips.


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Blogging Q&A With Hanna from Who Is Hanna…?

By January 9, 2013 Beauty, Fashion

One of my favourite blogs is Who Is Hanna, so I got in contact, and asked whether Hanna would do a Q&A for you guys, so as you probably guessed, she said yes… so, here you go!

  1. What inspired you to start your Blog?: I’ve always liked to express myself through texts, and always felt a need to kind of “document my life” – so I decided to start a blog. 
  2. Why did you choose fashion?: I started my first blog in 2008, and kept on blogging for a couple of years without my blog really being a “fashion blog”. It was just a blog where I shared pictures from my everyday life, sometimes pictures of what I was wearing – but mostly a lot of text. It was first in 2011 that I really decided to write a “fashion blog” – and that after having several blogs on different blog-platforms and kind of realizing that fashion was my passion, and that it was what I wanted to focus on. 
  3. What are you top tips on starting a Blog?: Just start one! Choose a blog-platform, pick a name, start blogging… Blogging should be fun, so keep it casual in the beginning. 
  4. What are your Blogging Targets for this year?: This year I want to, like every year, get more readers. I also want to make my blog better, and maybe start posting better – but fewer blog-posts. 
  5. Who are your favourite fellow bloggers?: I follow a lot of blogs, but my absolute favorites are: Fashion Vibe, Tuvamalmo, Jueniffer, Shopping & Fashion, Sincerely Jules and The Hurting Hearts. 
  6. What’s been your favourite in 2012: My favorite trend in 2012 was the “sporty” trend. I love sneakers, caps, baseball tees and anything Nike – so it’s been a really good trend for me. 
  7. Where’s your favourite place to grab a bargain and why?: H&M, for sure. You can find anything there, for such cheap prices that it’s ridiculous. H&M is also very trendy and “up-to-date” and I like that. 
  8. What’s your favourite piece of clothing, accessory etc that you have ever bought?: Probably my black H&M jeans. They’re in the model “super skinny, super low waist” – and seriously are the best jeans I’ve ever owned or tried on. They’re probably also one of the cheapest pairs of jeans I ever bought – which makes them ever more awesome. 
  9. Who is your favourite designer and why?: Alexander Wang. Oh, everything he designs is just perfect… I also like Balmain, Acne, Helmut Lang, Tibi, Elie Saab and Isabel Marant. 
  10. What’s your personal style, and what do you do to work it?: My personal style is very simple. I like wearing denim, black, white and leather. A typical “me-outfit” would be: blue or black skinny jeans, black boots/booties, a white or grey loose tee, a simple necklace, a simple bracelet and a leather jacket. 

Just so you can get a feel of Hanna’s blog here are some screenshots, and also the link to get you to her fabulous site!…

Picture 3Picture 4VISIT Who Is Hanna? HERE. FOLLOW Who Is Hanna? HERE.

 Thank you very much Hanna for the answers, because I know it will inspire all the people thinking of starting a blog! Merci!

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