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New Year Blogging Q&A With Let’s See

By December 26, 2013 DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

Hello everybody! How are you my chums? Did you have a nice Christmas? Today I have a nice relaxed blog post whilst you all browse the Boxing Day sales, with my lovely advertiser, Bas from Let’s See! (If you want to see your blog here, then look at my packages here!) Images from Let’s See

new year blogging let's see photography blog

Will you be changing anything on your blog for the new year? I’m moving to the Netherlands in January to study, so I guess everything will change. I’ll be broke for one, so less money for film. And I’ll have new things to photograph, I’m beginning to think I’ve sucked Cape Town dry.

Have you thought of your blogging resolutions for 2014 yet? Well to continue from the previous answer, my plan is to try and take only one roll of film a month, because of my student budget. I usually just shoot until my finger is raw, sometimes whole rolls in a day. (Developing film is super cheap in South Africa, compared to Europe. Asia was cheap too.) Also I’ve been working a lot these past few years so I’ve never really had to worry too much about expenses. This new resolution means I’ll have to limit myself to only a handful of photos at a time, which will be hard. I think some of the spontaneity will be lost, but also it will be interesting because every click of the shutter will be so much more important…

What’s your favourite thing about the new year? Christmas being over. I hate Christmas. Can someone find a way to successfully incorporate anything “Christmassy” into a summer Christmas? We just use the same traditions, but everything is half hearted because it’s too hot for fake snow and hot chocolate and candy canes and romantic walks in gloved hands and family bonding and general good will at all. Everyone’s too busy sweating and lying by the pool in a bikini to do anything Christmassy. Also, imagine a mall packed with frantic people, sweating. Add tinny Christmas carols. Done.

new year blogging let's see photography blog

Do you stay up late for the big countdown, or just sleep through it all? I’m usually working. This year I’m playing in the band for the Rocky Horror show, we’re doing a late show on New Year’s Eve and then there’s a party.

What would you wear to a New Year celebration? I think people are dressing up, I’m not sure as what. Theatre people go all out when they dress up, so it should be crazy. Although on the last dress-up occasion, the drummer wore eyeliner and thought that was his costume… I haven’t decided what I’ll wear yet.

Will you be taking any festive pictures, and with what camera? My film camera, it’s a lomography LC-wide.

new year blogging let's see photography blog

Where do you like to photograph in the Winter? It’s the middle of summer for me in Cape Town right now, so the beach I suppose. Although, I prefer shooting on the beach in Winter. White sand and grey sky and nobody around, that’s when the fun starts. My favourite film photos happened in the mist on an empty beach in winter. 

What’s your favourite piece of Winter clothing? Jerseys. Big patterned thrifted jerseys, layered on top of each other.


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