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Pen to Paper Interview with… FUTURE GARBAGE (Transcript)

Name: David Olson by DÅVID ØLSÖN Pen to Paper Date: Jan 24, 2018

We’ve known about sweatshops & 3rd-world exploitation for decades, but fast-fashion has taken them to a whole new level. And even though the internet has helped us to be better informed about the true price of our consumption, social media keeps us shopping because we feel increased pressure for our virtual personas to constantly stay “trendy”.

With future garbage, I wanted to hijack the tools of the industry to criticize its exploitative practices – whether its the exploitation of poverty in the third-world or the exploitation of our vanity/egos in the 1st-world.

Why does it feel like now is the right time to explore the issues of fast-fashion?

Absolutely!!!!!! As much as I support the “ethical/sustainable” movement (in theory), it needs to go further. I’m very concerned with the themes that I explore in #FG008. We’re told that the only way to fix the problems caused by free-market capitalism is through free market capitalism “with a heart.”  We cannot truly solve these problems through the current system. To truly “make the world a better place,” we first must change our worldview – not just our supply chains.

Especially with your own work experience, marketing is also part of the problem. Are you worried by greenwashing?

Any way they want!!! The problem isn’t in how to introduce these practices, but rather whether they’re willing to make a sacrifice in order to help others. The most difficult part of making a “difference” is being okay with something DIFFERENT (such as, being less rich). Change itself is not hard to do. It’s being willing to accept change (TRUE CHANGE! not just superficial ones) that’s the tricky part…

How do you think brands or celebrities should go about introducing ethics and sustainability into the mainstream?

As disturbed and confused as I am by contemporary fashion & consumerism 🙂

How do you hope people come away feeling after experiencing FUTURE GARBAGE?

Any $$$ that I make with FG I plan to re-invest in the project. I’m not a CEO or politician or even an “influencer” so it’s not really possible for me to initiate any real change. So the best I can do is try to share my ideas and encourage others to reflect on the issues that concern me, in hopes that more people will start to demand real change. Of course, we have a long way to go, but I plan to contribute in whatever ways that I can. And there’s still a shitload more future garbage to be made 🙂

Although the $10,000 price tag is more of a statement than anything else - what would you do with the money if somebody decided to buy an item?