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Avenue 32: Yigal Azrouel*

By October 16, 2013 Fashion

Hello ‘ello ‘ello. Today I am bringing you a little post on a designer at Avenue 32. Do you remember this wishlist? If you do, then you will know that I love Avenue 32 for inspiration. I couldn’t really afford some of the stuff, but when it comes to getting ready for the upcoming seasons, I love browsing the site!

yigalNavy Novelty Leather Jacket//Navy Double Face Skirt//White Leather Bi-Stretch Dress//Black Leather Trousers (All at Avenue 32)

Leather Jacket – I love this jacket! It’s so sophisticated, yet it’s still edgy with the double tone leathers. I also lurrrve, the different textures on the arms. It’s definitely one of those investment pieces and I’m sure it would last a long time. It also looks really fitted, and just overall… nice. I like.

Skirt – This is such a nice, basic skirt. It’s simple, but it gives off a flair of ‘WOW’. I love the leather detailing, as it really structures the silhouette. The colours also mean that it would be good for all occasions; work, an evening out etc etc.

Leather Dress – I’ve never been a fan of ‘all leather’ pieces (except biker jackets), but somehow, because this dress is white, it works. It’s a very ‘David Koma’ dress but slightly muted down. As you already know, I’m a big fan of beautiful structures, and fluid line designs, so this is definitely a piece I would get my hands on!

Leather Trousers – As I said for the dress, I’m not the biggest ‘all leather’ fan, but I think if you wear certain elements correctly, it can look fant-abulous. These look really chic, but I’m still not sure having real leather on your legs will be the most comfortable? Maybe? I think I will stick to faux leather…

Fact File on Yigal Azrouel – Azrouel is an Israeli American how is a top fashion designer in New York. He had no formal fashion design education, but has participated in New York Fashion Week. He is best known for his feminine designs and draping techniques.

I hoped you liked this little post! I will be continuing with my A-Z designers series very soon, but this was a little extra for you! I just love some of things that are available, and now I have 2 designers which do amazing structures, to look at.

(This post is sponsored by Avenue 32. I may have been paid/gifted to publish and produce it. Read my full dislaimer here.)

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If I Could I Would Wishlist: Funky Bling & Quay

By October 11, 2013 Fashion, Wishlist

Hello everyone! How are you on this fine grey day? I’m really tired at the moment and cannot wait for a weeks break very soon (although, it’s not really a break, as I’m gonna’ be verrrrry busy!), and also I have to sleep next door to a 3 week year old baby (eeeee!) so I guess this tiredness will get worse… oh. Anyway! This is a ‘If I Could I Would’ wishlist, basically meaning, if I had the money to waste on very expensive beanies, these are the ones I would pick (and other stuff)… enjoy!

designer high end fashion wishlist tatty devine quay eyeware funky bling asosAnnabelle//Bat//Pink Harvest//Yellowbric//Ivy//Mancini From £23.69 – £24.99

Quay Eyeware – I found this amazzzzzzing glasses brand via ARK clothing, and oh wow, I have fallen in love. SO NICE. My favourites are the ‘Pink Harvest’ pair. I love round sunglasses and these are bright pink sooo….? They’re not like £300+ obviously, but I do have quite a few sunglasses, so they aren’t really needed, but ‘If I Could, I Would‘… haha! designer high end fashion wishlist tatty devine quay eyeware funky bling asosRebel £60.00//Dope Jewel £150.00//Meow £30.00

Funky Bling Beanies – Upon searching ‘funky’ into ASOS (as you do), I came across these beanies. Now, I am sure you could DIY them some how (anyone have any ideas?), but they are pretty cool. I don’t think I could ever quite commit to owning a £150 beanie really… or a £60 one… or a £30 one… but, they are pretty cool! My favourite is the REBEL one. I feel like the jewel one could get in your face bit too much, and the MEOW one is a bit bright for everyday wear. If I did ever by one of these, I would probably have to invest in a cat free safe so that 1, no threads are pulled, and 2, I don’t ever lose (or wear) it.

designer high end fashion wishlist tatty devine quay eyeware funky bling asosJacket £184.50//Necklace £30.00//Sandals £55.00

Holographic Jacket – Do I need to explain? It’s metallic AND a biker, AND a leather jacket. It’s a tad pricey to splurge on, but it would be a good investment, non? Eleventh Paris always reminds me of The Hunger Games because I had a poster of the guy who acts as the fashion designer (you with me?) – Eeep! 2nd movie is out soon! YAY! – so yah.

Tatty Devine Necklace – First of all, do we like my editing skills? Putting ‘Tolly’ on the necklace? Yup. Secondly, how cute? I first saw this necklace on Olivia Purvis (What Olivia Did) – obviously not with Tolly on – and I just think they are really cool! I probably wouldn’t have my name, but I dunno’. Maybe?

Gladiator Sandals – I LOVE THESE SO SO MUCH. I’ve seen them loads, but I just want them. Like seriously, If I Could I DEFINITELY Would! They’re chunky, but simple, retro but cool. Ahhh, one can dream. These would be good in A/W too with nice tights and all, and amazing in Summer. Whyeeeee! Gah, I WILL have them one day. I WILL!

I know not all of these were ridiculously expensive, but it’s not always fun looking at things which are wayyy out of your price range. I mean, who here would spend £150 on a beanie? I hope you liked this post! If you want to see more things which are on my wishlist, check out my wishlist page here! I’m sorry I haven’t updated it recently, I will!

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The Ultimate Guide To Being A Teenager

By October 5, 2013 Beauty, DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

Just a quick sort of ‘letting you know’ post today! I have been thinking of doing this for a while (in fact I think I thought of it in June…), and have finally completed it! I’d like to give a few  one thank you, to my big sister for making me actually push the publish button on this one. Nothing in it is too personal, but I just wasn’t 100% sure on it, but it’s out there now! So here it is…

guide to being a teenagerYes, I’ve turned into a teenage guru apparently. Not really, I just wanted to give some advice to all you fellow teens, basically it’s a guide to being a teenager (a darn awesome one). I’m not going to give you the rules of how to be the perfect child, or how to deal with ‘girl stuff’, I’m simply telling you a few ways to feel more comfortable and positive about your own skin. In other words an ‘Insecurity’ guide. If you click on the above image or you can click here to read the guide. I popped it on a separate page so those of you who aren’t so interested don’t have a long ramble on teen stuff, slap bang in the middle of my blog posts. I do hope you enjoy it, and if you do please leave a comment with feedback/advice/your thoughts on what I had to say. It would make me very happy as I put a lot of effort into this one! For all non teen readers, posting will ‘remain as usual’ in a day or so!

Make sure to check out Anything Bas blog! It’s a great photography blog, full of inspiration. (End of post ad link)


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Health In The Modelling Industry

By October 3, 2013 Fashion

Bonjourno young chums. I haven’t done an ‘opinionated’ post in a while have I? Well, I’m back with one, and this post is going to be full of one very strong opinion I have. I’m sorry if I come across rather angry…. but I am rather angry (you’ll see why)…

health in the modelling industry georgina wilkin

This morning I saw a tweet which linked to a Daily Mail article, I had no idea what it was, but I clicked. I scrolled down, reading every single word, and was horrified. The article was all about, now former model, Georgina Wilkin. Georgina was scouted on Oxford Street at just 15 (2 years older than me). When she was half way through her GCSEs, she was asked to model for a Japanese agent, but she was told that she had to lose 3 inch from her hips and 1 inch from her waist. Georgina was drawn in and she started to lose the weight, her diet consisted of salad, vegetables and sometimes days without food. Before she started modelling, she weighed 8st 6lb, which shows that she was ‘slim’. I can relate to this because I am ‘slim’ and I have been told I am underweight before, but I was/and still am, perfectly healthy, and I am sure Georgina was too. Even though she was this weight, every 2 weeks she would be weighed and measured and told to lose more weight. Georgina said in the article… ”The skinnier girls, got all the bookings and I was even told I wouldn’t be able to work for jewellery companies because my fingers were too fat.” Georgina became thinner, weaker and started to get ill whilst she was in Tokyo. She was getting blue lips and hands because her heart was struggling. When she returned, she worked with brands including TopshopGAP, and Giles Deacon, where apparently, nobody ate. In 2007, she was diagnosed with Anorexia. (See the full article here.)

health in the modelling industry georgina wilkin

Now obviously, we can’t believe everything the Daily Mail says (and also you could say that it was her parents fault), because everything is made to attach to our heart strings, but I honestly do think that if you read the article, you will understand where I am coming from when I say that I am… disgusted. Totally, utterly disgusted. I’m not disgusted because it is the fashion industry, I am disgusted that the industry thinks it’s okay to let this carry on, for their own good. It’s not even mean, I personally think it’s pure ‘evil’. Imagine looking at a girl who is obviously ‘thin’ and going, ‘You’re too fat’ (well, maybe not those exact words, but you know what I mean!). It’s bonkers. DEE-SGUST-ING. Models becoming ill for brands to get more money? Sounds a bit cruel in my books.

Some people will say ‘Well just don’t model then’. The fashion industry, could not and will not survive with out models. I’m fine with models, I’m fine with that, just not the whole ‘If your not a size 8, you’re not good enough’ attitude. There needs to be change. I don’t think saying you have to be Size 8 or more, is the right way to do it, but I think there needs to be a more healthy way of looking at it. Thinking about health, and being HUMAN more than just creating a good picture to get money. We don’t want ill models, and we certainly don’t want young girls looking up to ill models, do we? No, I thought not. I’m going to have to say it, but the modelling agencies are almost… killing what they are doing in a way. They hire models, and tell them that they are too big. The models go away and lose more weight, come back and are ill, and in Georgina’s case, come even close to losing their own life, so the agency has to chose another girl (or boy), and it goes on and on. Disgusting.

What do you think? Do you think something needs to change? Let me know in the comments!

(Images found: here and here)


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Blogging Tips & Q&A With Anything Bas

By October 1, 2013 DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

One of, now last month’s, advertisers, Bas from Anything Bas is here to talk about her photography and lifestyle blog, and her top tips for blogging… (Images courtesy of Bas)


What inspired you to start your Blog?: I wanted a place to share my photography, really. I knew I was going to be travelling a lot this year, and I loved the idea of capturing different cities and cultures on film, in a sort of personal way.

Why did you choose Photography as a topic?: I would say it’s more a “lifestyle based photography blog”. I use my photos to show my experiences, although there are some photo shoots mixed in there that are purely for creative’s sake, let’s call it ”art”.

What are you top tips on starting a Blog?: Post about what you’re into, what makes you happy. It seems like an obvious thing to say but so many bloggers are on this mission to please their readers, always asking what they want to see. Sometimes it gets boring. I mean, I’m reading your blog already. (Half of my attraction to a blog is tied in with the blogger’s personality, definitely). Also, work on your writing skillzzz, it makes such a difference to read correctly structured sentences devoid of typos and grammar problems. If you don’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your”, I’m outta there.


What are your Blogging Targets for this year?: I don’t have any set targets. Getting new readers is cool because I like to meet people and get my blog out there (it feels good to know that other people like what I’m doing) but it’s not something I’m going to worry too much over.

Who are your favourite fellow bloggers?: Tori West for her style and photography, Robyn Lynch for her outfits, Lily Melrose for her hair and London lifestyle posts, Ellie for her all-round coolness, Ella Masters for her art. (God, are they all British? whoops. I follow loads of Swedish chicks on Instagram, they all seem to wear Docs with tiny shorts and eat McDonalds a lot.)

What trend are you most looking forward to working, this A/W 13?: I’m really not into fashion. I’m definitely into style and clothes though (I’m sure we all know the difference) but I don’t like to think too much about it.


Where’s your favourite place to grab a bargain and why?: Vintage/thrift markets. There are a few very cool ones in Cape Town that I frequent, I’ll also be exploring the markets in Amsterdam for the first time this month. Yesssss. So excited.

What’s your favourite type of camera to use?: At the moment I’m very into my Lomo LC-wide camera, it’s a film camera with a wide angle lens. I’d love to get a proper vintage film camera and one day learn more about digital photography (when I have money to burn). I am completely self-taught, my skills are purely aesthetic, based on what I see and what I like. I get inspired by pictures and landscapes and images rather than manuals and paragraphs and diagrams. (I don’t necessarily think that this is a good thing, but as an educated jazz musician, it’s a nice change to create art without any of the theoretical thinking behind it.)


Who is your favourite fashion brand and why?: Hmmm, I’ve just spent a few days in Dubai visiting my cousin and I have to say, I’m so disappointed with everything in the shops. Brands in Cape Town are bringing me down too, and I don’t do much online shopping purely because of all the ridiculously customs laws in SA. Maybe I’ll have a favourite brand after this next month that I’m spending in Europe.

What’s your personal style and what do you do to work it?: Vintage grunge. Thrifted, big jerseys, Doc Martens, ripped skinny jeans, messy, natural hair. I’m all about being comfortable, seriously.

Check out Bas here: BLOG//Twitter//Instagram//BlogLovin’

**Advertising is now open for November. If you would like to book a space, fill out the form on THIS page. 50% off for all teen bloggers. Enjoy!**

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Blogging Top Tips: Advertising & Setting Prices

By September 29, 2013 Fashion

Before I begin, I apologise for not posting in this Blogging Top Tips, series for a while, I have been quite busy with my blog post schedule, but finally I am out of the ‘draft zone’, YAY! If you didn’t read the last post, make sure you go and do that now… In this post, I am going to cover Advertising on your blog, and setting your prices correctly. I’m not saying that all of this is right, but it can give you some sense of what to do for your blog… cheeky little offer at the end too!

blogging top tips Anything Bas // Miss L J Beauty

What Is Advertising?: Today, I am talking about advertising in the words of ‘blog ads’ or ‘banners’. This is where bloggers or brands pay to put a link/button linking to their site somewhere on your site. Some people like to call it Sponsorship, which is basically the same thing. It’s just like when football teams have brand name on their shirts! Some people like them, some people not so much… I think if it is not too distracting and done in the right way, you’ll get it spot on.

When or Should I Start Offering Advertising?: This is a question which a lot of bloggers ask. In my opinion, it is totally up to you. There is no set amount of followers you should have to offer them, or page views or what ever’s’. I started offering mine when I found out that I was going to be in The Telegraph magazine. I thought it would be a nice bonus and that it would be helpful for bloggers to get more exposure, but that doesn’t mean you should wait until you get featured in something like that. I think most bloggers start doing it when they have around 500+ followers on one social media platform, but that’s just what I have seen. I recommend that you take a look at other blogs and see how many followers/page views they have, it’s sometimes even worth asking politely.

blogging top tips photo credit: Images_of_Money via photopin cc

Is it Worth it? Will I Make Lots of Money?: Again, it really depends who you are. If you have thousands of followers, and you have been in this and that, then it is more likely that people will buy your ad packages. It’s more likely that brands will want to advertise too, but it’s different for everyone. In my experience, I have sold at least 2 ad spaces a month (excluding 1 month when I had no interest), this has given me a little bit more pocket money, and has just been a nice treat to blogging. Sometimes it is worth offering free packages at first, to see if anyone is interested – of course this may be slightly unfair seeing as it is free, but it’s worth trying.

I’m Going Ahead, Now What?: If you decide that it is the right time to start offering advertising, you need to start setting prices, and naming your prices (that’s the fun part). Most bloggers just go with ‘Large, Medium, Small & Mini’, but you can name them what ever. What Do I Include?: Once again, it’s totally up to you. It’s good to have one simple package which involves just a button (this could be your Mini one), then your Small one could be either a slightly bigger button, or you could do weekly shout outs on one of your social media platforms. For your Medium package you could go with, a button, shoutouts and an advertisers post, and so on and so fourth for the Large one. What Do I Let Them Know?: Some people will turn away if you don’t tell them your follower/page view stats. It’s good to let them know why it’s worth advertising on your blog. I don’t let them know my stats, but let them know they can always ask, I just don’t feel right in letting the whole world know how many people read my blog every month 🙂

blogging top tips photo credit: kenteegardin via photopin cc

What Do I Charge?: I’m not going to say what you should charge, because everyone is different. But, I did once read that you could divide your monthly page views (individual/per page) by 1,000. For example, if you get 4,000 page views, you could charge £4 for your biggest ad package. If you get 10,00 charge £10. Simples! Should I Charge The Same for Brands?: It’s your decision. But… I honestly think that you shouldn’t. Brands will generally have more money to spend on things like this, so make sure to clearly state, that prices will be slightly different for them.

How Do People Pay?: There are 2 options. The most popular option, is via PayPal. If someone is interested they will email/fill out the contact form, with what package they want, then you let them know if they can advertise or not, then ask for their account’s email. You then want to send over an Invoice (this makes it easy to state the package name, and put in any discounts), and then just simply wait for them to pay.  The second option is via Passionfruit Ads. This is basically making your life a bit easier. You have to put in a widget into your advertising page which will mean bloggers can basically go to a checkout, the checkout is only in dollars ($). They fill out the information, leave their button image, their blog link etc, and then pay. You can then either accept or decline, and if you accept them, their ad will automatically pop up in your side bar, or where ever the set place is. BUT, a very big BUT (hehe), Passionfruit is NOT free. It will take a % from your sale which is different to PayPal.

blogging top tips photo credit: Images_of_Money via photopin cc

Do I State Where The Money is Going?: In literal terms of ‘your bank account details’, of course NOT! Haha! But, sometimes it’s nice to say what you will do with the money, for example, you might want to donate some charity, or if you are a teenager, you might be saving up for a new laptop for school and blogging. You don’t have to, but some people like knowing that they aren’t wasting their money completely.

So that’s it! Of course I couldn’t leave this post without a cheeky plug, could I? 😉 Hehe… If you are interested in advertising on my blog, all my packages are HERE. I’m going to do a little offer for you guys… if you comment on this blog post with ‘Give me 20!’ and you want a space, you will get 20% off in November, (not applicable for teen bloggers too)! I offer 50% off for teen bloggers, all year round though!

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Autumn Inspiration: Fashion, Music & Life

By September 23, 2013 Beauty, DIY & Lifestyle, Fashion

Hello, ‘ello, ‘ello! So, I’ve been thinking of doing this post for a while, and after the recent #lbloggers chat on Twitter, it made me just go with it. I hope you enjoy this new post, and hopefully it can become a monthly occasion on my blog…

inspiration the xxThe XX I recently discovered this band, and I love them. They’re a British band which is very rare to come across these days (I think), and they are really quite good. They’re inspiring because they make me relaxed and just make me want to zone out and chill for a while. If you like indie, and a good bass, then this a definitely a band to check out.
Image Source: Chart Attack

inspiration cara delevigne and eddie redmayneEddie Redmayne & Cara When having a conversation with my best bud (her blog is pretty cool), I ended up looking through Eddie Redmayne pictures, as you do. I stumbled upon these, and WOW. Cara just looks… like Cara (i.e pretty darn awesome), and Eddie, just looks… cute ^-^ The reason these are inspiring is… well… um… just… they’re nice?!
Image Source: Rebloggy

inspiration baby feetA New Generation I’m getting ridiculously excited now. If you don’t know, I’m going to become an aunty very very soon! It’s going to be so weird for me, seeing as I have never held such a tiny creature of the same species, and I have never really been up close and personal with a bubba. I’m so excited, and I can’t wait to meet my niece/nephew (eek!)
Image Source: Embell

inspiration sunsetSunsets & New Beginnings FYI, no I have not fallen in love. Haha! First of all, I just love Sunsets. They’re inspiring because they are so beautiful, and they clear my mind when I see them. As of New Beginnings, it’s Autumn, which means only one thing… Winter. Winter means that it is nearing the end of a year. This year has been such an amazing year. I’ve moved to abroad, I’ve been told that I’m becoming an aunty, I’ve achieved so many things, and met some amazing people. I cannot believe that it has all happened in one year (and a bit). I know it’s not over yet, and I have had some amazing news which hopefully will pull through and I can let you know of, but I have a feeling that this year has been my best yet.
Image Source: Only HD Wallpapers

inspiration autumnSweater Weather Not only do I absolutely love the song, Sweater Weather, I actually love… Sweater Weather haha! I have a feeling that I will be wearing my good ol’ WOW jumper over and over again, with a few nice dresses underneath. I love the feeling of a nice sunny day with a fresh breeze. It’s inspiring because it makes me feel cosy and homely, which makes me feel like spending more time, just chilling.
Image Source: Pinterest

inspiration outfitCoral Tea Dress £22.00 (River Island Teens), Pink Marl Slouchy Top £22.00 (River Island Teens), Leopard Print Chelsea Boots £50.00 (River Island), Scallop Trim Satchel £22.00 (ASOS), Barry M Eyeliner £4.59 (ASOS) & Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipstick £7.99 (ASOS).

As for what I hope to wear this Autumn, I love layering different tones of colours. For example, berries and oranges are perfect! I love putting jumpers over collared dresses, with a nice satchel! I think it looks nice and vintage! I also love eyeliner in Autumn, and of course a berry lipstick!

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My Style: I Live In The 50s

By September 19, 2013 Fashion, My Style

I’m really excited to be writing this ‘My Style’ post. I absolutely loved wearing this outfit, and editing it was even more fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and make sure you put on your 50s cap for this one!

my style 50s inspired ootd my style 50s inspired ootd my style 50s inspired ootdWhat I Wore: Denim Dress €2.00 (IKKS – Jumble Sale), Blue Cardigan (Primark), Aztec Knee High Socks (River Island), Jelly Shoes €4.00 (Supermarket), Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses €1.00 (Jumble Sale).

I feel like a vintage doll in this outfit. The dress is just so simple and versatile, it’s one of my best jumble sale finds. I popped a white t-shirt underneath, with some gorgeous knee high socks and my black jelly shoes. I love how all the colours match together, and I feel like I could wear this in whichever season. Just pop on some tights in winter, and voila! Hehe, anyone spot Mama Posh in the reflection?

my style 50s inspired ootd my style 50s inspired ootd my style 50s inspired ootdIf you think that these photos aren’t in focus, well you are wrong. I looked up how to edit them all vintage-y, and I now finally know off by heart the ins and outs of making your photos look beautifully retro. Also, yes, I am wearing eye liner. It seems every time I wear my Primark cardigan, I am always wearing eye liner?! I feel like the eye liner just completes the look and feel of this outfit, and it makes me feel a little bit more special!

I just love this outfit, so so so so much. It’s the most gorgeous outfit ever, and err, I love it. Haha! I don’t think I will keep the editing the same again, but I will keeping it as light and delicate as this. What do you think? Too much or too little? Let me know in the comments!

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London Fashion Week SS14 Collections

By September 17, 2013 Fashion

I’m not going to start with the usual ‘If you’ve been living under a rock, you might not know…’ intro, I’m just going to say it. We all know that it is London Fashion Week SS14′. I’ve rounded up my favourite collections from this fabulous week, and just so you know, I did not attend… 🙁 (Images via Vogue UK) *VERY long post warning* < it’s worth it though!

London Fashion Week Ashish SS14Ashish: I cannot actually believe that I have never heard of Ashish, but it is now one of my all time favourite designers. Uh huh, yup. The collection is full of sequins, and shopper bags. Ashish have said that the collection was inspired by those times when you go down to the shops still wearing the necklace from the night before. It’s seriously, such a me collection. My favourite piece has got to be the ‘ragged’ sequin denim style jumpsuit. I love how this collection is full of different layers and textures. Rating: 1000/10 (hehe)

London Fashion Week Bora Asku SS14Bora Asku: I am so annoyed I missed the live stream of this. I was a sleep… -_- It’s utterly gorgeous! Layers and sections of lace and netting, ruffles, plus silk sleeves. I feel like this collection is almost 4 dimensional. It has so much character to it. It sort of reminds me of the Sound of Music, because of ‘the maid’ style skirts of the dresses. I love the ‘pointillism’ detailed print which is featured. Stunning. Rating: 10/10 

London Fashion Week David Koma SS14David Koma: This might not be the most outrageous collection ever, but, it is sooooooooo beautiful. You might not see it, but in my eyes this is such a thought out collection. It’s so fluid line and structured, and the colour combinations are perfect. I actually smile so hard when I see these pieces, it’s actually quite odd. I also love the sort of ‘guitar string’ detailing which was featured quite a lot. I am just so in love with David Koma’s SS14 Collection. Well done! Rating: 1000/10 (…again)

London Fashion Week House of Holland SS14House of Holland: Gahhh, another amazing collection by Mr Holland. I love the tattoo style prints featured, the brightly coloured checks, and just generally all of it. I love how some of the pieces, are actually 1 pieces, but look like 2 so it makes it look like you have put more effort into your outfit than you have. Clever. I also LOVE the white and orange version of the classic trench coat. Just like Ashish, this is such a me collection. Also, look at that catwalk. LOOK AT IT. So dreamy. Rating: 10/10 

London Fashion Week John Rocha SS14John Rocha: When the first dress set down the catwalk, I was already sold. I love the poppy petal inspired dresses, and the big puffy tulle, oh and the squiggly hats… how cool?! I love how Rocha has really sculptured the silhouette, by outlining it with either petal appliqué or lines on sheer netting (…sorry if you can’t handle the boobies…). I love how glamorous and sleek every dress is. I can definitely see some of these dresses going down the red carpet. Imagine Jessica Alba in the far right dress?! Rating: 9.5/10

London Fashion Week Mary Katrantzou SS14Mary Katrantzou: When Mary K launched in Topshop, and everyone went mad for ‘that’ dress, it was like a firework went off. A firework of colour. And, she’s done it again. HOW AMAZING. I want all of these dresses, especially the blue and yellow, and orange, and navy an-. Yeah you get the gist. I love how she has incorporated, ruffles and layers, with silks and patterns. It’s hard to mix so many things which would usually clash together, but if someone is going to do it, Mary is. Rating: 1000/10 (Yeah, you can probably see a theme here)

London Fashion Week Orla Kiely Red Label SS14Orla Kiely: Not a catwalk show, but a presentation. I’m not the biggest fan of the collection, yet alone Orla Kiely, but I like how this has been executed. I definitely think the sales of Moonrise Kingdom will be rocketing when these pieces go on sale, well actually they probably already have. My favourite piece, or ‘pieces’ have got to be the orange 2 piece. I love how it looks, and a panda purse?! CUTE ^-^ I also love the layered polka dot dress and skirt, it’s such a lovely way doing the dotty trend. Rating: 9/10 

London Fashion Week Otswald Helgason SS14Otswald Helgason: WOW WOW WOW WOW WOWeeee. Guys, I think Otswald Helgason may have cracked it. I cannot contain myself. Silk + Prints + Maxi Dresses + Biker Jackets + Turquoise + Pink = ME. It’s such a nice collection! My favourites have got to be the biker jacket and shorts and the blue maxi dress. I don’t really like sheer maxi skirts, because of the fear of flashing somebody when the wind picks up, but the way they have done it, makes it exceptable. Well done lovely ladies at Helgason! Rating: 1000/10 (yeah…)

London Fashion Week Ryan Lo SS14

Ryan Lo: So dreamyyyyy. By far one of the cutest collections. I love how Ryan has mixed both the cute with the chic. I love each and every look, but my favourite has got to be the 2nd one. It makes me feel like I would be the queen of the daisy fields (if that is such a thing) and I could prance round like dah-dah-dah-lah-lah and with bunny ears and all. I lovesssss it. Rating: 1000/10 (Hehehehe)

London Fashion Week Sophia Webster SS14Sophia Webster: Again, not a catwalk show but a presentation. I found this one via Instagram, and I am a little in awe. It’s sooooo cute! The whole collection is based on ‘Bug life’, that’s why the models are sitting in flowers and greenery. But, guys… the hair. WHAT. I love the pop art style purses! Gahh, it makes me sad for not buying a similar one on ASOS when I had the coinage, but oh well. I think polka dots are definitely going to be a thing in SS14. Rating: 8/10 

London Fashion Week Tata Naka SS14Tata Naka: I’d never heard of Tata Naka before LFW, and I now love them. I also, now want to eat candy floss and be at a circus (but not the kind where you get pulled on stage and have to balance on this thing with a sweaty smelly old man holding on to you – this happened to me.). I just love the retro feel of it, but also the nice structured shapes. I definitely think the lovely, Susie Bubble (she follows me on Twitter now, uh huh, fan girling), could rock this collection very very well. Rating 9/10 

London Fashion Week Tom Ford SS14Tom Ford: I’ve never really liked Tom Ford as a brand. It just has this feeling of money all over it, which to be honest that’s what it is. But, I did actually really like the look of these pieces. SPARKLE. The one in the middle reminds me of David Bowie in this costume. I love how they are almost walking mosaics. You could almost imagine the models, ripping up the ground and escaping from the cement. I’ve seen a few other collections featuring the reflective sort of style, so maybe it will catch on? Who knows… Rating 8/10 

London Fashion Week Vivienne Westwood Red Label SS14Vivienne Westwood: Oh wow. You can’t help but laugh.. hahaha! I thought that the other models looked like zombies, but her’s are like, REAL zombies. It’s classic Viv though. She has to make a statement, and she has to make the clothes talk. I love the florals, and the baroque dress (in the middle). British tartan, low cut and gothic looks. Totally Westwood, and totally ‘good’. I like it, especially the models… hehehe! Rating: 9/10

I hope you enjoyed this round up! I’m sorry it was so long but I don’t want it in 2 parts! I will also be doing a little ‘trend expectations’ post, which will be up soon! Let me know your favourite collections in the comments below! WOWOWOWOOWOW I should stop now.

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A-Z Fashion Designers: Azzedine Alaia

By September 14, 2013 Fashion

So, um… yeah. Do you remember when I tried to start a series called A-Z Fashion Designers? I started with Adrian Adolph Greenberg… and ended with… Adrian Adolph Greenberg? Yup, well I’m going to attempt to do it again… I cannot promise that I will end on a Z, but I can promise that I will get to a B…. aha. WOW, long intro, let’s just get into it…

azzedine alaia

Name: Azzedine Alaia (عز الدين عليّة)
Born: Tunis, Tunisia on June 7th 1939 (Age 74)
Education: École des Beaux-Arts
Occupation: Fashion Designer (obviously)
Celebrities seen wearing:  Grace Jones, Tina Turner, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Shakira, Miley Cyrus and also, Rihanna.

Alaia or, Alaïa, was born in Tunisia. His twin sister, inspired him to become a designer. Alaïa lied about his age to get into the École des Beaux-Arts where he studied sculpture. After studying at the school in Tunis, he worked as a dressmaker’s assistant, which led to him dressing private clients. In 1957 he moved to Paris to work on fashion design. He worked as a tailor at Christian Dior and then Guy Laroche and soon afterwards, Thierry Mugler, after which he opened his very own atelier in the late 70s. He produced his first ready-to-wear collection in 1980 which awarded him with Best Designer of The Year and Best Collection of the Year at the Oscars de la Mode in 1984.

His career kicked off after Melka Tréanton of Depeche Mode and Nicole Crassat of French Elle, featured his works in their magazines. In 1988 he had opened his own boutiques in New York, Beverly Hills and in Paris. His ‘sexy’, clinging clothes were a great success and the media named him, ‘The King of Cling’. After his sister passed away in the mid-1990s, he came quiet in the fashion world, although he did carry on working for private clients. In 2000, Prada took him under his wing.

azzedine alaiaZig Zag Skirt//Bag//Belt//White Strappy Heels//Check Skirt//Dress//Lasercut Heeled Boots

These are some of my favourite pieces available at the moment. The zig zag skirt is right up my street, because it’s scalloped, multi coloured, and just utterly gorgeous. It’s simple yet chic, and I like it. A lot. The bag is actually quite nice too! Not usually something I would normally like, but I think it would be a nice bag for work or travelling to hold everything! This belt is really nice too (I’m gonna’ say that about everything haha), and is perfect for A/W! The heels are not particularly me, but I thought I would include them because I saw some ‘dupes’ by The Whitepepper, and now I love them even more. Gahh. I also love this check skirt because it would be good for all seasons. The red dress just looks like it would be really nice and flattering and the boots are quite interesting, but again not particularly my favourite ever.

I hope you liked the 2nd instalment of this series, and I do promise I will try and at least get to B, but I’m not sure about Z… Have you been watching LFW Live Streams? I’m loving the collections! I can’t wait for Sunday, think, Mulberry, Topshop Unique & Paul Smith. Uh huh. Mulberry shows always make me feel special because of my mum (she used to design for them), even though it was before I was born, even before my sister was born in fact, but yeah it still makes me smile 🙂 I’m a lucky ducky having a talented mumma! #SoppyMoment Hehe, oh well, just letting it all out! Haha…

(Information found via Wikipedia.)

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