I believe if this is my blog, that I can talk about what I want with in reason… even if it isn’t directly ‘fashion’ related. I love inspiring things, I love that feeling of just being like ‘Awww’ or ‘That’s amazing’, well I have something for you that hopefully should make you feel that way! It is slightly fashion related, in a way but I hope you like it no matter what it is about!
I love this one because it is very theatrical and reminds me of Meadham Kirchoff a lot. I love it so much! Plus, Katy (the lovely lady)’s expression is brilliant! That is a 100% natural too as it was taken just as she opened her eyes! Brilliant! 😀
Ariane is this lady’s name! Look at that hair? That is like crazily cool. I think the blue suits her! Best reaction of the lot, she’s just like *sassy hm-hm-hmmm*
The Mimi Foundation is a foundation for cancer patients, but not just for when they are in Hospital. Mimi help out by giving the patients courage and strength to keep on going through the struggle. The foundation got 20 people who suffered from cancer, and gave them a make-over (which, I think are brilliantly hilarious). They were then seated in front of a one way mirror with a photographer behind, and even if they just forgot about their situation for one second their objective would be completed. I absolutely love some of their responses, and the hair and make-up team really have done an excellent job.
Fabienne reminds me of an american lady who works at a diner. The hair, the bow… retro and kitsch. Brownie points for the amazing reaction too! 😀
Brigitte… 1 word. Sophistication. #enoughsaid (oh, also maybe a bit of Hairspray inspiration went into this look!) Look at that expression too… :O
Jeannine… I LOVE the pink colour! I also love the curls and the blue earrings. A nice pop of pink and a trend setting colour. Not the best of reactions, but still brilliant!
You can buy the book from The Mimi Foundation, and 100% of the money goes towards helping other cancer patients just like these lovely bunch! I really think that is just such a nice idea and even if you don’t know somebody suffering with the same thing, I think you could do it for whatever worry somebody might live with! It just seems like such a fun thing to do to make somebody feel special and ‘care free’, if only for one second. Make sure to go over and give there Facebook page a ‘Like‘ because I think they really do deserve the support!
I know this isn’t a typical blog post for me, but I just loved the video and the pictures that I just had to share it with you! What do you think? Which is your favourite make-over?
(Images from the Mimi Foundation Press Pack)
Aw this is lovely. I feel like crying from just seeing how happy it made them!
Aww don’t cry! Glad you liked it though!
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