Hello, ‘ello, ‘ello! So, I’ve been thinking of doing this post for a while, and after the recent #lbloggers chat on Twitter, it made me just go with it. I hope you enjoy this new post, and hopefully it can become a monthly occasion on my blog…
The XX I recently discovered this band, and I love them. They’re a British band which is very rare to come across these days (I think), and they are really quite good. They’re inspiring because they make me relaxed and just make me want to zone out and chill for a while. If you like indie, and a good bass, then this a definitely a band to check out.
Image Source: Chart Attack
Eddie Redmayne & Cara When having a conversation with my best bud (her blog is pretty cool), I ended up looking through Eddie Redmayne pictures, as you do. I stumbled upon these, and WOW. Cara just looks… like Cara (i.e pretty darn awesome), and Eddie, just looks… cute ^-^ The reason these are inspiring is… well… um… just… they’re nice?!
Image Source: Rebloggy
A New Generation I’m getting ridiculously excited now. If you don’t know, I’m going to become an aunty very very soon! It’s going to be so weird for me, seeing as I have never held such a tiny creature of the same species, and I have never really been up close and personal with a bubba. I’m so excited, and I can’t wait to meet my niece/nephew (eek!)
Image Source: Embell
Sunsets & New Beginnings FYI, no I have not fallen in love. Haha! First of all, I just love Sunsets. They’re inspiring because they are so beautiful, and they clear my mind when I see them. As of New Beginnings, it’s Autumn, which means only one thing… Winter. Winter means that it is nearing the end of a year. This year has been such an amazing year. I’ve moved to abroad, I’ve been told that I’m becoming an aunty, I’ve achieved so many things, and met some amazing people. I cannot believe that it has all happened in one year (and a bit). I know it’s not over yet, and I have had some amazing news which hopefully will pull through and I can let you know of, but I have a feeling that this year has been my best yet.
Image Source: Only HD Wallpapers
Sweater Weather Not only do I absolutely love the song, Sweater Weather, I actually love… Sweater Weather haha! I have a feeling that I will be wearing my good ol’ WOW jumper over and over again, with a few nice dresses underneath. I love the feeling of a nice sunny day with a fresh breeze. It’s inspiring because it makes me feel cosy and homely, which makes me feel like spending more time, just chilling.
Image Source: Pinterest
Coral Tea Dress £22.00 (River Island Teens), Pink Marl Slouchy Top £22.00 (River Island Teens), Leopard Print Chelsea Boots £50.00 (River Island), Scallop Trim Satchel £22.00 (ASOS), Barry M Eyeliner £4.59 (ASOS) & Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipstick £7.99 (ASOS).
As for what I hope to wear this Autumn, I love layering different tones of colours. For example, berries and oranges are perfect! I love putting jumpers over collared dresses, with a nice satchel! I think it looks nice and vintage! I also love eyeliner in Autumn, and of course a berry lipstick!
I adore your last outfit combo! I think I might be in love, you have completely matched everything perfectly, well done!!
Hannah xx
Aw! Maybe try a more light weight sweater, or a more cropped and fitting one so it shows off your figure!!
I’m sure you look great in them really!
Love that little collage! + Eddie is perfect
Isn’t he just? haha