Whilst you are reading this I am away in Andorre! My brother is going to be there all summer with his biking friends so we decided to stay for a couple of days before they all arrived! I will speak soon, and enjoy the new post!
What I Wore: Green Ruffled Cap Sleeve Top (M&S), White & Grey Daisy Print Dress (Jumble Sale), Red Daps worn as Sandals (Primark) & Floral Alice Band (Primark/DIY)
Last week we had a glorious day! It was the perfect temperature and the sky was clear and blue! #perfection To top it all off we actually found a cherry tree outside my bedroom window (Kinda silly of us not to have noticed, but hey ho!). It had LOADS of cherries on it! They were so sweet and delicious! Can’t wait for it to start growing again! I also got
cooking drink making in the kitchen, and made the BEST – slightly biased there – strawberry milkshake, you will EVER taste (recipe below). It was delicious and the whole family drank it! *pats self on back* After the amazing drink we sat around in the sun enjoying a nice bowl of cherries. It wasn’t quite hot enough for the pool, but it was still a marvellous day. (BTW, my hair looks way darker than it is in these pictures!!)
Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: (4 x Glasses)
– 2 & a half scoops of strawberry ice cream
– Half a glass or strawberry sirop
– Enough milk… not quite sure how much
– A blender
Put all the ingredients in to your mixer, in any order. Turn your blender on and mix *whurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* stop when you think it is smooth enough or as chunky as you would like it. Add more sirop or ice cream to your taste, and voila! Add a strawberry on the side and a nice paper straw, and you will be done! *gulp gulp gulp* ‘Very nice Tolly’ Well, thank you!
How would you like me to do recipes on my blog? I know it isn’t to do with fashion, but I believe I am quite good at doing drinks 🙂 Let me know in the comments below!
(This is a scheduled post. I am currently away so will not be able to reply to any comments!)
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